The Storm

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(Y/N) = your name

(L/N) = last name

(E/C) = eye color

(H/C) = hair color

(H/L) = hair length

(S/T) = skin tone 

   I, (Y/N) (L/N),  was a normal sixteen-year old boy that lived in a normal town, with my normal family and friends. Interesting things hardly happens here in Crystal Bay and that was totally fine by me. I don't do change or different very well, I find it very uncomfortable and I do not step out of my comfort zone very much.

  But all that changed when that storm hit, the storm I had warned him about, but it didn't matter then and it doesn't matter now. This...isn't making sense, is it? Okay, okay, let me go back when everything changed, which was about a month ago.

  "Come on, son! We're wasting precious daylight," my dad, Charles (L/N) called from downstairs. My dad was a fisherman, and boy did he love his job. He always told me about the fishing trip that Gramps and he took when he was younger. I knew a couple were made up by the mentioning of a fish fifty feet long, but I never told him that it wasn't true,  I enjoyed seeing the twinkle in his eyes when he told me how he held on with all his might but the fish was just too strong. And now he wanted to relive some of those memories with me, his only child. Not that I minded, fishing wasn't my thing, but my dad's smile was something I always loved seeing.

  "Alright, alright," I replied and finished tying on my shoe and trudged downstairs where I met that amazing smile. Dad had all our gear in one hand and the car keys in the other, I grabbed my jacket and tied it around my waist and gave a nod letting him know I was ready. We loaded into my dad's cherry red Ford F-1 Fifty, this was my dad's prize possession, right after his boat of course. He started the engine and I leaned my head out the window and let the wind blow into my (H/L), (H/C) hair. The sun kissed my (S/T) cheeks and I smiled. Today is going to be great, I thought, if only I knew. 

    When we got to the docks I caught myself staring out into the horizon and I knew why, "Hey, Dad? Doesn't those clouds look weird to you?" My dad looked up at the sky the then the horizon and frowned while shaking his head and finished pulling out our equipment and began walking to his boat, Bessie.

    Bessie was nothing special, she was rusty on several parts like the starboard, smokestack and railings. The paint on the wooden hull and other structures of the boat was nearly done peeling off. The superstructure of the boat was a dark royal blue while the cabin behind it was a cream color. The deck looked like it hadn't been scrubbed in decades and was decorated with bits and pieces of fish. When I stepped onto Bessie the smell of fish guts and salt water hit me like a freight train. "Dad, where's the frebreze?" I covered my nose with my arm so it muffled my voice but my dad heard me anyways and chuckled.

  "Don't worry, son, you'll get used to it." My dad climbed up to the superstructure of the boat as he instructed me to untie the the rope that was connecting us to the dock. Once my task was complete I heard the familiar rumble of the motor start and held on to the railing as we moved farther and father away from the mainland.

  The sky had darken since we left the mainland and I was getting worried, so I shared  my concerns with my dad, he only shrugged it off, "Don't worry, I work in these types of conditions all the time. It just won't be sunny out, nothin' to worry about, Bud." he ruffled my hair and asked for me to grab the fishing net and I obliged, leaving my worries in the back of my head. I wish I could've said more, because my dad was dead wrong.

  "(Y/N)! GET IN THE CABIN!" my dad bellowed as he tried his best to get the motor working, but unfortunately it didn't seem to be working. I tried to do as my dad said and get in the cabin, but the massive waves that kept crashing against our boat prevented me to do so. A wave taller than our boat crashed merciless into us, I was surprised we didn't capsized,but I wasn't surprised when I was knocked off my feet, spinning head first toward the metal railing. The events afterward was nothing but a murky blackness, I stopped hearing my father's voice when I felt a chill run down my spine. 

  Where am I? Am I underwater? I must be...I can't breathe...Mom...Dad... Images of my parents smiling down at me drove their way into my head, then it was like a slide show of some of the events in my life. My first bike, first girlfriend, even when I stupidly jumped off a house and broke my wrist. Then it struck me, I'm dying...

    At that point I had let my body go completely limp as something wrapped its whatever around me. I wasn't sure to call them arms, they didn't feel human. The next thing I felt was a rush of air to my lungs, then something soft and round on my lips, what happened next? I blacked out.

Hi guys! hope you enjoyed the story so far, kinda new to all this, so ya'll let me know what ya think!! Okie! Bye my little Peepers!

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