Chapter Eleven: Kikyo's Last Wish

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        It had been a few weeks since the fight, and now Nayumi, Rin, Jaken, A-un, and even Sesshomaru all stayed in Lady Kaede's village while Nayumi healed from her wounds. She had woken up in the village a few days after the fight, but she couldn't remember anything that happened after she brooke the barrier. To make thing worse, Sesshomaru was anxxious to leave.

"I'm human you idiot! I take longer to heal than you do!" Nayumi yelled at Sesshomaru; flinching as the mere effort of raising her voice hurt.

"I am aware of this." Sesshomaru retorted, "I merely said you should at least get out of the hut. Are you not able to walk now?" 

"I can walk just fine, but no one will let me see Kikyo's grave so there is no since in me getting up. I do not wish to go anywhere else." Nayumi crossing her arms.

"What is so important about a dead priestess's grav-" Sesshomaru started, but Nayumi interrupted him.

"She was my friend." Nayumi said in a cold voice.

"You ingrate! Show Lord Sesshomaru more respect!" Jaken yelled; entering the hut.

"Hmph." Nayumi grunted.

"You should show him more gratitude! He saved her life!" the toad demon exclaimed; frantically jumping around.

"Leave. Both of you." Nayumi snapped; she hated feeling like she was in a demon's debt.

"I do not take orders from you." Sesshomaru said; not moving.

"I SAID LEAVE!!!" Nayumi lyelled as loud as she could. 

        The outburst caused her to cough up blood, and make her broken ribs ache even more. 

"Just go." Nayumi said; voice raspy.

Without a word of protest, Sesshomaru left. Jaken had already fled.

Fine. I'll get up and walk around. Nayumi thought; a devious smile crossing her face. She grabbed Katana to use as a crutch, and for protection, then headed towards the outskirts of the village.

        Walking was painful. All movement was painful. She had multiple broken bones, and her right leg could not bare any weight. Not to mention, her left arm was imobile.

        "You're just like Lord Sesshomaru!" Rin would joke in an attempt to make her feel better. Nayumi always faked a laugh and smile so her sister wouldn't worry, but, in truth, she despised being compared to a demon. 

With a sigh, she continued walking. Most demon's had left the area with Sesshomaru present, but even the ones that didn't weren't a threat. Rin had begged Sesshomaru to stay in the village to fight the demons so Nayumi wouldn't try. He finally gave in when Kaede agreed that it would be a good idea. None of the villagers really had an issue with Sesshomaru, but he itimidated most of them. Nayumi, Rin, and Kaede were the only humans who did not flinch under his stare.

        "Yo." a familiar voice said from in front of her; she had been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed the demon in front of her.

"What do you want, wolf?" Nayumi sigh.

"Just passing through. Heard you were hurt so I wanted to check in." Koga shrugged.

"Well, you've checked in. Now leave." Nayumi said; she was always more patient with the wolf than most.

Even knowing he once was responsible for Rin's death, she was also aware that he had saved her more recently. According to Kagome, he had changed for the better.

        "At least let me help you get somewhere? That leg looks ike it could use a break." Koga offered.

"Will you take me to Kikyo's grave?" Nayumi asked; eyes lighting up.

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