I keep having this one dream,
Where dragonflies carried me away
During the night.
They whispered in my ear, rousing me from my sleep.We went through the ceiling,
Through the roof,
Up, into the open sky,
Spanning the earth.
I could almost see Tralfamadore,
And the waving aliens.
And the celestial bodies.
And the constellations.I forgot about the
Domino houses at home, ready to fall
And inside those domino houses, were
Shapeless people molded identically to each other,
From the same foul seedHow nice to forget.
We soared on glassy wings
To a mountain top
Where we burned money
And all the worldly things
Letting the ashes disperse,
And disappear
Like everything organic and
Capable of dying.It was then, when the flames died
That they returned me to my bed
Switching off the lights by the doorway.I woke up, an hour later.
To the sound of a blaring TV screen.