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There was once a story about a handsome boy who was hidden away in a tower. The story was about a boy named Ryuji Sakamoto whose mother was an enchantress called "Dame Kawakami". The people of each kingdom spread this story like wild-fire to see who would find him first but no one knew where he truly was. All she wanted was to keep him hidden away in that tower so he could be out of the harm to humans. His mother refused to let the world know of him and kept him all to herself. Though not much is known about this boy, we will dive deep into this story about love and tragedy.

This story begins in a small village with no more than a 100 people. One particular villager was seen by a high window looking at a beautiful garden owned by a very powerful enchantress who was dreaded throughout the world. This garden was surrounded by a high wall which infuriated this villager because she wanted a flower named rampion which was a part of the bellflower family and has bluish flowers. The edible leaves and roots were typically used in salads. Rampion usually grew wild and out of control if not well kept. Another name for this flower was Rapunzel. This villager wanted this item so very badly that she wilted away and became miserable. With each growing day, her husband grew alarmed of his wife's strange behavior.

"What pains you, dear wife," the husband said concerned. "If I can't eat some of that rampion I shall die," the wife said with a fake sickly voice. "Honey, we can just buy some at the market tomorrow you should have just asked," he said. "I don't want that dirty old rampion, I want the one that is growing in she-devils garden," she said with a smirk.  "Honey...," he said before getting interrupted. "No, you honey me sweetie I want that rampion and I wanted now!" she screamed. "Okay," he said.

He would never want to make his wife unhappy so he made up his mind and decided that he will get into that garden no matter the consequences. At the stroke of midnight, he left the comfort of home and climbed the never-ending wall of fear. Once over, he gathered one leave of rampion to not aroused suspicions. He returned home to his wife not too long afterward. She ate the rampion so quickly some could say a vacuum ate it. She loved it so much that her selfish desires increased 3 times the desire for rampion. "I want more," she said.  Not wanting to upset his wife even more; he once again climbed over the wall. The enchantress was waiting for the intruder if they dare show their face again. He stops right in his tracks once he saw her standing there.

"How dare you come into my private home like a little thief! You will pay for this greatly!;" Dame Kawakami said. "Have mercy on my soul enchantress; I'll accept my punishment fairly if my wife can have some of your rampion leaves so she doesn't perish," he said. "Very well your wife can have as much rampion as she wants, I only asked for the child she will soon bear," she said. "Okay, you may have this child," he said.

As the months went by Dame Kawakami was waiting patiently for the new child she would soon raise her self. On the day of the birth, the two adults said goodbye to their child as he cried for the first time. His wife was a little sad that she will never see her son again but that soon vanished with a smirk of all the rampion she will get to eat. Soon after being checked out by nurses the child was ready to leave towards its new home. The husband carefully handed the baby boy towards the enchantress honoring the deal he made all those months ago. The Enchantress was going to name the baby Rapunzel like the flower but the baby was a boy so she settled with naming him Ryuji. As he grew up he became a very handsome boy but with each growing year of being kept cooped up inside the walls of the private residence hidden from everyone else made him gullible and afraid of everything in the world. By the time he was twelve Kawakami took him to a tower and stashed him away even more so than before. The Enchantress for a while went up the stairs to enter the tower but when Ryuji turn 14 his hair was enormous from never receiving a proper haircut. He kept his beautiful hair tie up in a braid. Every time she would come she would say, "Ryuji, Ryuji; Let down your hair." He would respond in agreement and put his hair on the hook and he would lift her up. The tower was only a mere 90 feet above the ground which consisted of a small window, a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, his training room/art room which was just the living room, and a shelf with some books. He lived a very humble life up in that tower with no distractions or setbacks, he actually knew how to read and write and became very crafty. His life changed once he hit 16 years old and met a prince one faithful night.

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