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S: hi mom, hi Jeff
M: hi honey
Je: hi sele
S: Mom you know Jack already, but uh Jeff this is my...
Ja: Boyfriend, my name is Jack, Jack Avery
Je: hi Jack, I'm Jeff Selena's stepfather
Ja: nice to meet you sir
Je: oh please call me Jeff
Ja: right, Jeff
S: well it's nice to see you guys get along
N: mama
M: oh my sweet Noe!!! And Toby!! My lovelies
Je: hi babies

They ate food and talked all night but Jeff and Jack existed the private room we were in and came after a good 10 minutes. Me and my mom were so confused I didn't even know what to say they just met!

S: well it was nice seeing you parents! But I have to get going with my kiddos it's a long drive
M: well thank you for coming babe
Je: yes!! Thank you for coming Selena!
J: thanks! For everything for letting Selena invite me
M: no problem honey!
Je: nice meeting with you Jack!
J: you too Jeff!

And with that we left!

After a 1 hour drive

S: hi my babies, were home

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