[Chapter 9] - Drama!

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Noora - Friday before they leave

"Eskild have you been donating my clothes again???" Noora yells frustrated shes unable to find her yellow top "What is it" Eskild says standing in her doorway "My yellow top. I cant find it" Noora says putting a hand on her hip and the other on her forehead. Esklid puckers his lips "No I haven't seen it maybe Linn borrowed it?" He says shrugging his shoulder.

Noora walks to Linns room knocking on her door "Linn have you seen my yellow top?" Noora calls to Linn whos probably still sleeping "You lent it to Eva last week remember when she was over and spilt wine on hers" Linn says reminding Noora "Oh...thank you" Noora says feeling bad she accused her roommates of taking her belongings.

She goes back to her room and finishes packing and calling Eva and asking if she could bring her yellow top with her when they pick her up.

"Have a good trip" Linn says hugging Noora "Drink and be an irresponsible little teenager okay?" Eskild says with a laugh "Be safe" they both say before hugging Noora. They each watch as she walks down the Concrete path with her luggage to meet the girls.

"Hiiii" Chris and Sana greet Noora as they arrive in their Russ van "Oh-my-God," Noora says laughing "Our Russ bus? Seriously" they each laugh looking at the van "Quickly get in we need to pick up Eva" Noora smiles at her best friends before packing her bags in the back "Have you packed enough for two weeks" Sana asks Laughing sarcastically at the excessive amount of bags Noora packed to which Noora rolls her eyes "They're not even full and plus its two weeks. TWOO" Noora says defending herself as she gets in the back of the van.

"Have you packed a dress?" Sana asks Noora as they drive to Evas house "Yeah I assumed that's what Vilde meant by 'Formalwear' in the group chat" Noora replies "Good" is all Sana says "Whats the dress for" Noora asks being as curious as ever "We have to go to dinner thing with Chris's parents one of the nights we're staying there" Sana replies while Chris focuses on driving "Oh" is all Noora replies as they pull up to Evas house.

Chris beeps the Horn signalling to Eva they were waiting for her. A few moments later Eva comes running out with even more bags than Noora had which causes Each of the girls to look at Eva oddly "What?" She asks as she reaches the car "These two were giving me a hard time for bringing 3 bags!! 3! And you come out with five" Noora says with a dramatic expression "Well its two weeks" Eva says in her defence while hopping in the car.

"Wheres Vilde?" Eva asks as they're driving to the cabin "She's coming with Magnus, Yousef, and Kristian" Chris says as she drives "Oh" Noora and Eva say to each other laughing as they sit in the back seat together.

2 hours later

"One dont pick up the phone you know hes only calling cause hes drunk and alone" Eva sings along to New rules by dua lipa playing on the radio "Two dont let him in you'll have to kick him out again" Noora sings the next line followed by Sana "Three dont be his friend you know you'll wake up in his bed in the morning" Sana rolls her eyes after she finishes singing "If you're under him then you aint getting over him" Chris sings nailing the last line "I GOT NEW RULES I COUNT EM'" They all scream in unison as they pull up to the cabin.

Once they enter the Long narrow driveway they see Yousef and Kristian getting out of the car. The girls quickly park on the gravel next to them and get out "Finally" Eva says stretching as she gets out of the car "Its beautiful" is the first thing Noora says smiling at the view "Hello" Kristian says Hugging Eva and then Noora "Wheres Vilde and Mangus?" Noora asks with a confused look on her face "They're still in the car" Yousef mouths pointing at the Car with his other arm wrapped around Sana "They've been like this the whole ride" Kristian whispers to Noora to which she laughs "Should we unpack" Chris says as she gets out of the car stretching "I'll help you guys unpack first then ill unpack our stuff" Kristian says walking over to the back of the car "I'll help" Yousef says following Kristians lead.

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