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Ok first off I'm obsessed with this song. It speaks to me and inspires me to create a story. I might just do so. I'm sorry I'm a band nerd and a music lover. It just makes my heart flow with the rhythm. I'll probably write a story I don't know if I'll publish it or not I'll have to see if I can actually put my dream and story into words.

Well besides that here is my favorite thing to draw

Well besides that here is my favorite thing to draw

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Yup that's right eyes. They are so far the easiest and most inspiring object for me to draw. Those who know circ du freak and have read the magna and regular version knows Larten Crepsley. Well he is what got me to drawing eyes. I drew a picture of him looking over his shoulder and his eyes were my favorite part to draw. He was the drawing that got me into more realistic than just kiddy drawing. I was good at drawing other stuff but people were the hardest and I couldn't follow those "draw a circle and oval and put lines in them" every time I did it ended up a mess. Well here's my inspiration.

I'm sorry for the terrible picture but I drew this like 3- 4 years ago and the led has faded and it has water marks on it so I tried to recreate it better but I still like my original one

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I'm sorry for the terrible picture but I drew this like 3- 4 years ago and the led has faded and it has water marks on it so I tried to recreate it better but I still like my original one.

I'm sorry for the terrible picture but I drew this like 3- 4 years ago and the led has faded and it has water marks on it so I tried to recreate it better but I still like my original one

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Sorry if it looks like he's dirty. I tried to color his face evenly. It was hard to do but for the most part I think I did good. Scratch that. Now that I look. They look like two different people. Well sorry about that.

Tell me what y'all think.

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