Green green green green greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnn!!!
The only Empire that was SOOOO obsessed with Green! Actually, the Empire is full of Elven Forest. Many flowers and plants, lots of Farms and such with Greeeeeeeee—
Alright, lets stop that.
Emerith, or known as "The Land of Jade and Emerald", is a Powerful empire in the names of Archery and Artillery
Gina is a Green Drake Hybrid and known as the Jewel/ Herald of Emerith. And by the name of " Drake" which means she's older than what you think. But her mind thinks the same as yours and the other girls
The most Famous Hybrid of the Alliance, Because of her Beauty and Devastating power when enraged
She's been a target by many men and always wanted to marry her, but she's still searching for the man of her dreams
Until the Main Protagonist showed up
When you (The Main Protag) and Gina Meets for the first time, she quickly put a liking to you. And its because of your image and fearsome Aura
When the Zyronian Generals showed up, you didn't show fear. Instead, you draw your scythe and pointed it to them, and ready to spend your life for the Emperor and the Princess
She's liking you more everytime that she's with you and you show what you got. Even tho you don't want impress somebody, she still think that you're cooler than anyone else
You also saved her life Twice, that's why you are so important to her
Well, to the story, expect that she's always with you.
And yes, she's in love with you, and may affect Princess Shina in the Future parts of the story 😆😆
Well, lets see 😄
Gaminx: Character List
RandomThis is the full list... Well, not so full list about the characters in "Gaminx: Reincarnated to a new World" This is to fill the readers about the back stories of the characters or the things that must be known about them Exclusive only for the rea...