Getting There

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Nakagome POV,

'It's been 7 years since i last saw him his beautiful lavender eyes I really miss him i wonder if he stills remember me' "Nakagome- sama it's time to go" i get up to walk down the stairs and into the car We leave my Mansion to go to cross Academy to see an old friend of my parents It takes about an hour to get there I'm staring out the window in deep thought 'Why did they have to die if only I was strong enough if it only... 'My thought got interrupted "We're here Nakagome-sama" I'm walking down the path trying to find the headmaster's office then I hear a bunch of screaming.

Yuki POV

I'm having a hard time trying to keep the girls back but they keep on pushing I wish this job was a lot easier

"What are you Yuki you get to have all of the day class students to yourself"One of the girl says glaring at me The night class student starts to walk by But Hanabusa keeps making things worse " Hey baby, what blood type are you ?" Hanabusa asked "umm O I think" says one of the day class girls "Idol i mean Aido You're not supposed to do stuff like that" i told him he just got sad then screamed "BANG!!"and points at one of the girls and they starts to crowd him and faint the girls starts to push me i start falling backward until i get caught by this beautiful girl she had beautiful black silky hair , soft porcelain skin, green eyes that remind me of a praying mantis, whiskers on her porcelain skin she looked really beautiful "are you ok ?" the woman asked me i slowly nodded and said "thank you for catching me" with a bit blush crept upon my face The lady Smiles at me The lady all of a sudden turned around and look at all the night class students and just stares at them while the night class looks at her.

Nakagome POV

Me and the vampires are having a glare off I really don't like vampires they destroyed my life but there are some good vampires my cousin was a vampire before she died by the hunters but one vampire and particular is catching my full attention the pureblood he then walks up to me and then says" I know what you are" in a menacing voice I look up at him in his Red brown eyes they really are beautiful I've been smirk and says " I know what you are too Kaname Kuran And I know about that hooded woman too" Kaname looked at the women in surprise that i knows about the hooded woman He got up back to his other vampires and go to The Moon dormitory I turn my body back to the young girl I caught and asked her to direct me to the headmaster's office she smile genuinely at me and said" we were just on our way there we can show you"I was relief We started walking to the headmaster's office soon as we get there we not going to tour there was a faint "come in" In the room we walked in I'm the first thing that happens is the Headmaster tries to hug the young girl I caught but he fails miserably he thens look at me and smiles "it's been some years since we seen each other" i nodded my slowly he then asked me "how have your parents been?" i only just stare at him then i had the courage to say it "there dead" he looked up at me and sorry for my loss ihe then ask me did i want to stay here at the academy i said sure then i said "are you trying to put the vampires and humans at peace?" i asked he looked at me.

Me and the vampires are having  a glare off I really don't like vampires they destroyed my life but there are some good vampires my cousin was a vampire before she died by the hunters but one vampire and particular is catching my full attention th...

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Ignore the hair (What Nakagome is wearing)

Yuki POV

How does she know that, who exactly is this woman and why is she here We just looked at the woman in shock Then Headmaster clear his throat and then introduce me to the woman i found out her name was Nakagome she was very pretty then Zero walks in Nakagome Introduces herself to Zero ,Zero looks kind of shocked when she said her name was and Nakagome was the same way when she found out zero's name

Then out of nowhere they hug each other I was kind of shocked to see Zero hug somebody I kind of felt jealous no no no me jealous no but I can't get this feeling out of my stomach it hurts me to see him with her Then she Tells Headmaster of her hers and zeros past about when there were children and how they met but I still couldn't get over this uneasy feeling in my stomach then she asks headmaster can she join the school he said yes and told her to join the disciplinary committee since she knows so much about vampires the out of nowhere she says "Come on out Kaname i don't bite....much" kaname then comes out of the dark i was shocked to know that he was there "Kaname when did you get here ?" i asked as her just stares at Nakagome "what can i do for you Kaname?" headmaster asked " I was just curious about miss.Yama that's all?" Kaname said i didn't liked it when she gets all the attention from the boys it was annoying .

Kaname POV

I'm very curious about miss.Yama how does she know about the hooded woman Why exactly is she here what does she want "Yuki show her to her room" Kaien said ( i forgot what he actually calls him)Before she leaves i say " i 'll have my eyes on you" and with that they left i don't know why but there is something about that girl something different i wonder no i want to know what it is i then leave and go back to the moon dormitory and Takuma asked me "where did i go" i looked at him and said "Nowhere that concerns you"then i go to my room and think about Nakagome what is it about her that's off after that i went to bed.

Zero POV

I can't Believe it My childhood crush is back I really missed her she was so pretty and she looks so beautiful now and we used to play all the time in a treehouse me, her, and Ichiru we used to have so much fun together until that woman showed up and destroyed everything she smells different i don't know why but her smell it's like yuki's it's really different from others i got to my room and end up falling into darkness with one thing on my mind Nakagome.

Please comment on my Story tell me how it was and let me know if you want me to continue This was my first story ever so i can't wait to know what you think remember

Stay Classy, Stay Sassy, And Kick Assy

From Author-Chan

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