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  • Dedicated to To childhood memories and nightmares

"Hello girls" Merida said as she entered the castle with a slaughtered deer on her shoulder.

Her smile was big as if she had discovered a huge priceless gem instead of a bloody animal.

The deers blood was dripping across the hall which was bothering Cinderella a lot, she was a clean freak thanks to all the hard work her evil step-mother made her do.

Her teeth clenched in rage but she held it in, a princess never shows anger well sometimes they can........

"Oh hi....Merida" everyone said quietly.

Snow White, Belle , Cinderella , Mulan, Ariel , and all the princess where hoping for an elegant new addition to their team when they heard about a new princess.

But instead they got a frizzy haired, tomboy with no manners.

Merida slapped the slaughtered deer on the head table and took out a knife in front of all of them.

"We'll girls I'm hungry I don't know about you" she whispered

She pointed the blade to the tip of the deers skin until Snow White snapped.

"My little dear....." She started singing

She stopped the knife in its track and pointed it to Snow White

"Please don't tell me your going to sing" she grumbled

Snow White was truly afraid of this girl, she moved the knife out of her way and hugged her.

"No prince will ever love you, look at you"

Merida rolled her eyes and scoffed

"Now look lose some of that fat on those hips, comb your hair, try to dress nicely and you may look like a princess"

Merida wiggled away from snow whites grip

"I'm so sick of you classic barbies!" Merida screamed

"I kinda agree with Merida" Mulan said bravely

"When I first got here all you guys would do is yell at me how saving a country isn't lady like"

She got up from her chair and joined Merida at the door.

"I'm with them too" Repunzuel said softly

Cinderella stood up and banged her fist down on the table

"If you think we are so bad for having a bit of hygiene and manners then let's see how you like us when we are like you!! This means war girls!!"

"Sure thing your gonna die in a heart beat" she said sweetly

"Let's go girls" Merida shouted as she opened the door in front of her.

The princess on her side shouted such a battle cry it scared snow whites animals away.

The door slammed shut behind Merida leaving only Cinderella, Ariel, Sleeping Beauty, Belle and Snow White

"Ugh I hate her, we have to come up with a plan" Snow White went to the window and called one of her first friends, the birds.

"So what should we do" she said to her bird friend

To the princess in the room all they heard was a bird singing but that bird had dark thoughts.

" what is that thing saying?" Ariel said

"She said we should have no mercy, to braid their guts etc"

All the princess where scared of that bird now.......


Hey people as you can tell we made this up at the time we made up the username. What can we say we are bat shiz crazy X3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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