Cold Day

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Trent x Sebastian

(And yes that's my drawing :3, hope you smiles enjoy it)


'Beep Beep Beep Beep Bee-Crash' [A/n: Rip Alarm] "i'm awake i'm awake....ughhh stupid alarm..." Sebastian groans as he got up. 

His hair sticking out as he look at his phone. "AHH!! i'm late!" He quickly go wash his face, brush his teeth, grabbing his clothes and walk out. Forgetting his coat as he walk to the university.

He running through the cold air, making him shivers. "Why so cold this morni- AHH!" he tripped over a rock, making him groans.

'What an Amazing day...ughh and it's so cold...i must've forgot my coat...ughhh i'm so stupid' as he mentally scolding himself, a certain werewolf interrupted his thought.

"Sebastian? you're late too huh? and what are you doing on the ground?" Sebastian 'manly' screamed at the sudden voice as he got up. [A/n : I'm soooo enjoying this] Looking behind him only to see the smirking Trent.

"T-t-trent!? f-first of all, YOU didn't see ME on the GROUND, second DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" Sebastian shout in embarrassment.

"Haha sorr- wait, where's your coat?" Trent's face fills with concern and worries as he notice the lack of warm clothing Sebastian have.

"Uhm... i kinda... forgot about it...hehe" Sebastian laugh nervously.

"Welp nice job there, you silly shorty~" Trent sighs.

"Yeah thanks for that, you wolf" Sebastian rolls his eyes.

Sebastian look at Trent who's taking off his scarf and coat. "What are you doing?" Trent look at Sebastian. "Isn't obvious? i lend you my scarf and coat" Trent smile as he give it to Sebastian.

"Are you sure? i mean this is co-" "this cold is nothing for me" Sebastian sighs as he put on the scarf and coat.

"Aww c'mon, don't worry about me.. I'll be fine because i'm strong" Trent smirk while wiggling his eyebrows at Sebastian.

"yeahhh right... soooo strong" Sebastian tease him as blush dusting his cheeks.

'At this moment i'm so happy that today is a cold day, or else he would think that i was blushing because of him...' Sebastian thought, he could feel the warmness from Trent's coat.

While walking together toward the university, they talking about random things.

-Skippo by The Sleeping Trent-

"Sebastian, why are you late?" The teacher asks as Sebastian walk in the class.

"I woke up late" Straight to the point.

"Is that so..Take your seat and make sure this wont happen again" Sebastian nodded and went to his seat beside Kenzie.

Trent's coat still snuggled around his cold figure.

As he take out his phone, a note falls out of his pocket.

'Huh? how did this get in my pocket?...whatever'

He open the note and read it.

Dear Sebastian,

The moment we bumped into each other, staring at me. i knew there was something different about you. You weren't like any others. There's something special about you, i couldn't quite put my finger on it.

Maybe it was the way your kind voice and smiles, the way you staring at me curiously because of my wolf ears. But i knew for sure was i fell for you. I know i may sound cowardly talking to you through this letter, but all i ask is that you meet me at the library. [A/n: couldn't think anywhere else...please don't kill me >.<] after school.

- Secret Admirer

Sebastian blush at this letter. He read it one more time. "Is that a note i see there, Mr Sebastian?" Sebastian flinch a little as the teacher look at him.

"U-uhm no.." He slip it onto his lap, hiding it from everyone sight.

-Skippy by Trent poking Sebastian's head to annoy him-

Sebastian walk out from his class with Kenzie. "Hey, me and Willow going to a cafe, wanna come?" Kenzie look at her brother.

"Uh..sorry sis but i have to meet someone.. You can go alone with her, you know, like a date~" Sebastian smirk at his blushing sister.

Kenzie roll her eyes. "W-whatever... I'm gonna find Willow now.. bye!" She walk away. "Bye sis, enjoy your date!" He shout. "I hate you!!" Kenzie shout from afar. "Hate you too!" Sebastian chuckles.

Sebastian sighs as he walking towards the library. 'I hope my secret admirer is not a serial killer... i don't want to get myself killed because of this' 

Opening the Library doors, as he walk in. He expect the person standing in front of him waiting but no one is around.

'Huh..? i thought they told me to meet them here...' As Sebastian thinking, someone sneaked up  behind him and cover his eyes.

"Guess who?~" a deep voice asked.Sebastian blush as he recognize the voice...

"T-trent?.." Sebastian stutters as he turn around to face him.

"Yep~" Trent smiles widely.

"What are you doing here, Trent?"

"Well...i'm waiting for someone special..." Trent said as he blushing red and looking at Sebastian.

"Oh..who?.." Sebastian heart pained a little. Trent roll his eyes, looking amused at oblivious nature of the shorter male.

"Ohhh I'm looking straight at him right now~"

Sebastian's heart skip a beat, as his face turn bright red. "W-was it you who wanted to meet me here?..." He stuttered, as a little smile forming on his lips.

Trent look away from Sebastian, trying to hide his blushing face.


Sebastian smiles as he tip toe kiss Trent's cheek. Trent blushing more shades of red as Sebastian laugh.

"Thanks for the Scarf and coat. It was very sweet of you. and That note was cute as well" Sebastian hugs him. Trent tense at first before hugging back and kiss Sebastian's forehead.

"You're welcome...shorty.."

Sebastian look at him. "I hate you..." He pout.

"Nah you don't you love me~"

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