Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen:

Ariana's POV:

As I held up my hammer, I charged forward, towards an enraged Saberwing.

'I'm sorry if this hurts, mom.' I thought as I flew up and slammed my hammer down on her muzzle.

She cried out, and the force sent her to the ground, snarling.

Saber shot up from the ground and ran at me, teeth barred.

For a minute, I froze. I couldn't believe that she was going to hurt me. 'No, she would never hurt me, not in her right mind. She's being controlled by Unicron, remember?' I thought to myself as I dove out of the way.

"Optimus!" Sonia yelled as she bolted over to him. "You have to get that collar off her! Unicron's controlling her directly!" She yelled urgently.

'Good job, sis. I can hold her off for a bit longer.' I thought as I turned my attention back to Saber, just in time to dodge one of her attacks.

I lifted my hammer high again and slammed it as hard as I could, into her side.

She roared in anger and swung her tail at me. However, I wasn't as fast this time and it caught me in the chest.

The harsh hit flew me back into a brick building and through the wall completely.

I slowly sat up, shaking off the dizziness of the hit and got back on my feet. I stepped out of the hole in the wall and saw Saber now engaged with Sonia.

"Hang on, sis!" I yelled as I flew upwards and held my hammer outwards.

Quickly, I folded in my wings and dove downward, once again driving my hammer into Saber. This time, I hit her between her wings, a sensitive spot.

Saber howled and fell to the ground. Sonia ducked out of the way to dodge Saber's massive head from falling on her.

"You tell OP what's going on, yet?! Cause Saber's getting back up!" I yelled to my sister.

She nodded and raised her weapons. "Yeah!" She yelled back.

"Then why are we still fighting her?! She could seriously kill us!" I pointed out.

"You'll see!" She responded as Saber stood back up to her full height.

"Uhhh, wait. I'm not gonna like this, am I?" I asked nervously.

Sonia shook her head. "Not at all!" She yelled as she turned. "But, you know. Think of it like the race we had back at the hotel." She shrugged.

'Great now we're running?! Against a gigantic, metal, badass wolf. Great.' I thought to myself as I took up a running stance.

We both took off running a second later, our speed increased by our powers.

We ran right into the town and looked behind us to find Saber charging right at us.

Then we ran into a dead end. "Now what?!" I shouted at Sonia.

She looked up and screamed. "Optimus!"

Suddenly, the giant red and blue mech dropped in front of us and flipped Saber on her back.

Saber growled and thrashed but Optimus held onto her. With him on top of her, she couldn't flip over like she wanted to.

"Sideswipe, your turn!" Sonia cried again.

This time, the silver mech from earlier came in and went strait to Saberwing's neck.

"How the hell do I cut this?" He snapped angrily as he tried to rip off the chains.

I looked over the collar and noticed something. 'Ah ha!' I smirked.

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