Chapter 1: Finding Out

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Emersyn's P.O.V.

This has been the longest 5 minutes of my life. I just want to know if it's positive or negative. Why can't these test be instant.
I'm pacing back and forth in our master bathroom waiting to see if I'm pregnant.

"Em? Is everything okay?" My Best Friend Alexa asks through the door. I walk over and open the door. "Whoa. Please don't cry. Why are you crying?"

"What if it's negative? What if I can't give him children? What about-" I start to rant but she cuts me off.

"Emersyn, calm down. It's gonna be alright. I'm sure it will be positive. How many did you take?"


"Okay then. Wow. Um. Yea. I'm sure they'll be positive. How much longer?"

"Um..none?" I say as the timer on my phone goes off. I look to Lex with worry in my eyes.

"Come on. We can look together." We walk over to the bathroom counter and look at the tests.

"Three positive and three negative. What do I do now?" I ask.

"Why don't we set up an appointment for you to go see your doctor and get a professional test done. That way you can have an accurate answer."

"Yea. That sounds great."


I sat in the waiting room with Alexa by my side. My leg bouncing up and down from the nerves.

"Em, calm down. It's gonna be okay." Lex said to calm my nerves. I nodded.

"Emersyn Styles?" the nurse called. We got up and I smiled at her as I walked into the room and got on the exam table. "Dr. Payne will be in shortly." I nodded and tried to relax. The nurse left and it was just me and Alexa.

"Would you keep it?"

"What?" I ask Lex shocked.

"If you are indeed pregnant, would you keep it?"

"Definitely. There's no doubt about about it. Me and Harry may have only been married for a year and it may be earlier than we intended but I would never give it up."

"Good. I was hoping you would say that. I think you and Harry will be wonderful parents." she smiled. I smiled back at her and gave her a hug. We released from the hug and a knock sounded on the door.

"Hello I'm Dr. Payne." the doctor walks in. "Oh. Hey Em. Hey Lex."

"Hey Danielle." I say giving her a quick hug.

"So, what are you here for today?" she asks sitting in her chair.

"Um, I think I'm pregnant. I took six tests and half were positive and the other half was negative. I came in to get a more accurate result."

"Okay. Well, I'm going to draw some blood and I will need you to pee in this cup so we can run two different tests." she says handing me a cup. I walk into the bathroom and do my business. I walk out and hand her the cup. "Alright. I will go get this test started and a nurse will come in and draw some blood." I nodded and she left. A few moments later the nurse came in and took some blood. Now comes the waiting game.

After about 20 minutes Danielle comes back in.

"Well, it seems as though you are indeed pregnant. So I'm just going to do an ultrasound and make sure everything looks good." I lay back on the table and lift my shirt up while she gets the machine ready.

"So the gel will be cold for a split second." She says then applies the gel and moves the wand over my stomach. I scan her face waiting to see her reaction. I turn and look at Alexa and she gives me a small smile. "Okay. So if you look here.." she says as she turns the monitor and points at a little blob "this is your baby. You're around 8 weeks right now." she smiles and looks towards me.

My hand flies up to my mouth and the tears start to pour. I'm actually pregnant. There is a little person growing inside of me.

"Would you like to hear the heartbeat?" Danielle asks. I think for a moment and shake my head.

"I think I want to wait until Harry is with me." she nods and prints off the sonogram after handing me a paper towel to wipe my stomach. I stand up and get ready to leave.

"I will see you back in six weeks." she says and hands me the sonogram. I give her a quick hug and we leave.

"Oh my gosh. Em! You're gonna be a mom!! And I'm going to be an Aunt!! I can't wait!" I laugh at how excited Alexa is. This is so wild. I still can't believe it. "How are you gonna tell Harry?"

"I have an idea. We are going shopping tomorrow. I will get all the stuff I need. It's going to be so cute." I smile and she nods. We get to the car and begin to head home. I put the sonogram in my purse and pray Harry doesn't find it.

*Later that evening*

I sit curled up in the corner of the couch wrapped up in a blanket reading a book. I have my mug of tea on the table beside me and a fire going in the fireplace. I grab my mug and go to take a sip when I feel someone come up behind me and put their hands over my eyes.

"Guess who?" they whisper lowly in my ear. I smirk knowing exactly who it is.

"Baby, you can't be here. My husband will be home soon."

"Hold up. What you mean?" I bust out laughing at his reaction. I put my cup down and walk around to hug him.

I wrap my arms around him and look into his bright greens eyes. "I'm just joking baby. You're the only one I want." I say. He smirks and leans down to kiss me.

"So, how about we go out to dinner?" he asks.

"What's the occasion?"

"No occasion. Just a loving husband wanting to take his beautiful wife out to a nice dinner." Harry smiles.

"I would love to go to dinner. I just have to get ready." he nods and lets me go upstairs. I shower and change into a casual dress. I finish my makeup and put on my shoes and head downstairs.

"Ready?" I nod while putting on my coat. He grabs my hand and leads me out to the car.

We get to the restaurant and get seated. Our waiter comes up and takes our drink order.

"Your finest white wine please." Harry says.

"Um..I'll have water please." Harry looks at me and I shrug.

"Water? You normally get wine. What's up?"

I start to get nervous but try to play it cool. "I'm just not feeling it tonight. I haven't felt that good today." I lie.

"Awe baby. Why didn't you say something. We could've ordered take out."

"It's fine. I love going out to dinner." He smiles and the waiter comes out with our drinks and takes our food order. We eat our dinner and then share a dessert.

We make it back to the house and head to the bedroom. I change into some sleep clothes. I slip on one of Harry's button ups leaving only my underwear on under it. I take off my makeup and brush my teeth and hair. I walk back out to Harry stretched out on the bed wearing sweats and no shirt. He puts his phone down when he sees the bathroom light go off.

"Mmmm, baby, you look so good in my shirts." I blush and crawl into the bed. Harry leans over me and kisses my forehead. "I love it when you wear my shirts."

"And why is that?" I ask putting my arms around his neck and putting my forehead against his. I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and look into his eyes.

"Because you look so freaking sexy." He says lowly. I chuckle and kiss his lips. He tries to deepen the kiss but I pull away. "What's wrong baby?"

"Nothing. It's just late and you have to get up early for work tomorrow. And I don't want you tired."

"You always take care of me." He says kissing my lips once more before laying beside me. We turn off the lamps and cuddle into each other. I slowly fell into a deep sleep with my little peanut on my mind. I sure hope Harry isn't mad.

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