Getting detention

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This is my first fanfic so please no flames xD
"I can't believe that Lancer gave me detention again!" said a teenaged boy with raven black hair.
"Who made you late this time Danny?" asked a technology obsessed African American boy.
"Tucker, you were there." Said a ultra recyclo vegetarian ( don't really know how to spell that so just go with it. )
"Tucker was probably too hypnotized by his PDA to even glance at who we were fighting, Sam."
"Anyway," said Tucker trying to change the subject, "Lancer caught me watching videos on my PDA during class so I have detention too! I feel like giving kids detention is the only thing that makes him happy!"
"Well, you two have fun in detention,"
"What makes you think that you won't get detention today, Sam?" Danny asked.
"Well, when was the last time I got detention?" Asked Sam.
"You got me there," said Tucker
.............................30 minutes later.............................
"I can't believe that Lancer gave me detention for taking frogs out if the science lab! I mean who does he think he is?"
"He probably thinks that he's a teacher AND the vice principal"
"Be quiet Tucker."
"Well, I guess we'll all be spending our afternoon together in detention," Danny said
...............................After school.................................
Danny, Sam and Tucker went straight to detention after class ended only to see that a star courter back a shallow witch and a ghost hunter "surprisingly" got detention too.
"What did Paulina get detention for? Being too shallow and witchy?" Asked Sam.
That comment did NOT go unheard
" For your information, I got put in detention for texting during class." Said Paulina
"I got in for wailing on Mikey and Valerie got in for missing classes." Said Dash.
"So since we're going to be stuck here for the next 3 hours, how about we play a game?" said Danny
"What game?" asked Valerie
"Truth it dare."
Sorry that this chapter was so short and suckish but give me a break I'm a bad writer with ideas.
I'll try to update soon if people like this story. please review and read my new story, 20 years later!

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