Secrets and secrets

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"Ok Dash the only one left is Paulina"
"I'm not stupid, Fenton. And I'm not blind!"
"Ok, ok. I'm just letting you know."
"Ummm... So Paulina, truth or dare?
"Ok I dare you too... TAKE OFF ALL OF YOUR MAKEUP!"
"You have to."
A few minutes later Paulina walked in the room with a pale white face, and swollen eyes.
"My eyes! I'm blinded!" Shouted Tucker, earning a death glare from Paulina.
"Ok... Paulina, ask someone." Danny said.
"Danny, truth or dare?"
"What's your biggest secret?"
"Do I HAVE to tell you?"
"YES!!!" Everyone screamed
"Ok but everything in detention stays in detention, right?"
"Right." Everyone said
"Ok ummmm... I'm ummmmm I'm Danny ummm Danny Phantom."
"Yeah right." Said dash "prove it!"
A white glowing halo formed around Danny, and separated in the middle, one half going up, and one half going down. Everyone gasped, except for Sam and Tucker.
"You can't tell anyone, ok?"
"O-o-ok,"said Dash and Paulina still in shock.
"Im Sooo sorry Danny! If I would've known it was you I wouldn't have-"
"It's OK Valerie." Danny interrupted.
"You didn't know. I didn't want you to know. I didn't want anyone besides Sam, Tucker, and Jazz to know, but what's done in detention stays in detention right?"
"What's done in detention stays in detention." Everyone said.
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