Operation: Save Bella

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Everyone arrived back at the house, planning on the next best thing to do. We also kept tabs on their location, just to make sure that where they're running won't affect the plan that's forming.

"Okay, Jasper and Alice will run Bella south, back to Phoenix. You two need to keep her safe. It'll give me peace of mind," Edward commanded. He looked grim and worried. It made me feel a new sense of respect. Edward cares about Bella, and that's all that mattered in this moment.

"I, Alice Cullen, pledge to keep your girlfriend safe. She's in good hands," Alice ensured.

"Thank you. Esme and Y/n, I need you both to swap clothes with Bella. Lose track of Victoria. I would also appreciate if you can join in Rose," Edward stated giving her a pleading look.

"What does she mean to me!? She's just a worthless human! I told you not to get attached to such filth!" Rose scoffed at Edward.

"Watch it, that's my sister your talking about! Don't throw no shade because you don't want to catch these hands!" Rosalie stared at me in shock as I gave her a stern look.

"Carlisle, Emmett and I will lead James elsewhere. Are you all ready?" Edward questioned. We all nodded.

I threw Bella over my shoulder and sped up to the nearest room. We switched clothes and I took her jacket to give to Esme. I went down the stairs quickly, watching as Bella emerged from the stairs slowly. All eyes were on her with worry shining in them. Edward ran over to Bella saying a few words and hugging her. Jasper came over to me and embraced me.

"Be safe," was all he said before he stole my lips. We kissed one, no two, three times. We then went to see them off. As they left Esme and I began to leave. All I thought was, 'Roll out.'

AN: Sorry for it being short.

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