Chapter thirteen: Rocking the drown Kat look and Cold best friends

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Chapter thirteen.

***Katerina's POV***

Landon lead me towards his sports car which might was really awesome. I don't know what it was because let be honest, I know nothing about cars, all I know is that it was blue.


Hanging out with Landon made me feel better, it was refreshing to be able to hang out with someone after that awful argument. The best part is that he doesn't press to know more.

I know is weird that I am going to a guy's who I just met house but I really don't care I don't want to go home to Mackenzi, plus he doesn't look like a serial killer but if he is I am going to make sure my death is as boring as possible so he can't enjoy it. So ha!

"What are you thinking Katerina?" He breaks me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing much, just how if you are a serial killer you won't enjoy my death" I say with a shrug.

He raises and eye brow "And why is that?" He asks.

"Because I will make sure of it, I will not cry and I will act like if I am happy about dying so your possible sadist desires will not be fulfilled because instead of hurting me, you would be helping me" I say winking at him.

He smirks "You do realize that you just told me your whole plan right?" He asks.

I pout "Ugh, I always do that" I mutter under my breath.

He chuckles.

"Anyways are you a serial killer?" I ask him.

He sighs dramatically "Nooo, I didn't pass the serial killer academy, they said that I needed to learn how to cut a head correctly and 'apparently' I wasn't scary enough" he says with sarcasm dripping from every word.

I roll my eyes.

"Sarcasm is not appreciated, Landon" I say sticking out my tongue at him.

He shrugs then says "I really fear for your safety. Seriously who asks someone if they are serial killers. Serial killers don't announce to the world that the will kill people"

I pout "What ever alligator" I say.

"I am pretty sure it goes 'see you later alligator' Katerina" he says with a raised eye brow.

I elbow him in the ribs "Aren't you a smartass?"

"Hey, hey don't assault the driver Katerina I like living" he says laughing.

I laugh and shake my head.

"We're here" he says.

I look at his house and Smile. This house is the house all girls dream about, with the white picket fence and everything.

The house its pretty big and its creme colored, the front yard is full of colorful flowers and the grass couldn't be greener. There is even a labrador running in the back yard.

"Its beautiful" I say smiling.

When I was little I always dreamt of a house like this, I still do, I mean what girl doesn't want the white picket fence? Exactly.

"You are about to meet Laura Knox, she can be a little overwhelming sometimes so you've been warned"

I gulp and nod.

When we get inside, we head towards the kitchen, where Mrs.Knox is baking something.

She is a beautiful woman, she had brown hair, brown eyes high cheekbones, full lips and a slim figure. I can see where Landon got his good looks.

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