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We lived, we laughed, and we loved her. We watched her grow, and we listened to her struggles. Even when times were rough we were a complete family. Even though I've gone blind. I know she will always be beautiful. She brought home a boy and he was so polite. My husband instantly didn't like him, but what father doesn't? I listened at the alter as he gave her away to the sweet young man. I was always there for her when she needed me most, even in desperate time of need when her husband couldn't support them. My husband had fallen ill, and it had broken our hearts. My little girl swore up and down he would live, that even if he had a chance at living she would take better care of him. I had to have her husband take her out of the hospital room so she wouldn't stress too much. It wouldn't be good for her unborn child. When my husband laid in his bed, he had asked to see our daughter one last time. I held his hand as he requested she take care of me, and his grandchildren. While also making sure to take good care of herself. I held my crying daughter as her father took his final breath. I wasn't too far behind him. My internal illness was quickly catching up to me, but I wasn't about to tell her. She raised her child with great care. I just wished I could have seen the beauty of the little boy. I was happy to have spent this day with my small family. To have played with my grandchild, and spoken to my daughter and son in law one last time. Before I lay in my bed and sleep my eternal sleep. I know my daughter will live her life happily without us, and will more than likely have more children. I just hope she continues to love the man she's with, just as I loved her father.

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