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She noticed her. The goddess caught her staring.

Tzuyu had never been good at making friends. For some reason unknown, she always seem to come off as arrogant and cold to other people. But that doesn't mean she didn't have any friends. In fact, she did have a few in school. But making new friends proved to be a challenge to her. What more, this particular bookworm she couldn't seem to stop thinking of for the past fortnight.

She put her wireless earphones on, which were well-hidden by her purplish locks, and looked away from the her but looked back after a few seconds. She was like a good siren, always luring Tzuyu in and killing nothing but her heart.

This time, her breath hitched.

She was still staring at her, but her lips were curved upwards.

She was smiling at her. And Tzuyu returned the gesture, albeit shyly, with a small smile of her own.

They held each other's gaze for a few ticking moments, and for the first time Tzuyu got an almost clear view of those chocolate orbs. They held warmth, the kind of warmth that you can only get by being tangled up in your blanket near the fireplace on a chilly winter morning.

With all her willpower, Tzuyu finally looked away and broke off the eye contact before her feelings were caught on. Hell, she might've came off as a creepy person to her now. She groaned internally at the thought, her frustration slash embarrassment rolling off in waves. She felt... exposed.

She was the deer caught in the headlights, and the audience none other than the girl she had been attracted to.

So she ran back to her house, not noticing the confuzzled look on the other girl's face.

To hell with it.


The routine of smiling at each other as a form of greeting soon became a staple practice between the both of them. Occasionally, the other girl would wave at Tzuyu but Tzuyu couldn't find the courage to wave back. She was still embarrassed from being caught staring the other day. But Tzuyu wasn't complaining. At least, there was a progress in their acquaintanceship.

Better than nothing, she thought.

In Tzuyu's eyes, her smile was radiant and a sight to sore eyes. Her smile was like finding a flamelet at the darkest point of your life, always seemingly igniting a spark of warmth in her.

But she longed to know more about the girl, not just by the books she read or by the ways she smiles but also her likes and dislikes, her flaws and perfection, and basically every inch of her.

She was a mystery Tzuyu was willing to be patient with in order to unravel the person behind the walls of weaved fantasies.


She was reading poetry that day. 'Midnight Monologues' by Charissa Ong.

The book had a deep red hue to its cover, a color that resembles the blood that flows through the heart and also represents love. The font etched on the cover was of a luminant gold color, a color that one could say symbolises the worth of something or someone.

And every one of those details was what she thought the reading goddess worth.

Poetry is almost a complicated way to convey feelings yet it's much more simpler to write because there wasn't such a length to it. Even a couplet in a poetry could convey much more emotion than a paragraph would. An oxymoron poetry is, really.

If only she could just recite her own poem of inquisitiveness and pent up desires in tongues of water towards her.

With a heavy burden of emotions, spoken words are always harder to convey than written words. And that was the case for Tzuyu. She wanted to approach the girl and yet she couldn't find her lionheart when she needed it the most.

Maybe one of these days she should try writing poetry.

Then she could learn more about the moats of a castle fortified with written words and rusty pages in order to cross it and to get into the castle.

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