A u t h o r' s N o t e

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Hello everyone! Thank you so so so so much for reading, commenting, voting and sticking to this book. I really, really appreciate it. I'm nearly up to 400 votes and 3k reads and have received a lot of positive and helpful feedback. I'm a very happy girl.

I'm so thankful to everyone who helped contribute to make me a better writer. Whether you pointed out the mistakes or plot-line holes or whether you encouraged me by sending through beautiful and funny comments, it's helped to build up on this story. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

As I previously mentioned, I'll thinking of starting a sequel titled, "Inevitable". It'll carry on from this last book's cliffhanger. :) However, I will not be starting this for a while. I am intent on finishing my other book, "Precipitous" (I'd really appreciate it if you could check that out too, hehe). I also have plans for another story. It'll be a FanFiction about The 100; I'd totally obsessed with this show and have big plans for the story that is to come from it.

Anyways, let's cut to the chase: THANK YOU!!! I love you all and I hope you enjoy my other works as well.

Okay, so a few last minute questions I'd love to have answered afore I go:

1. Was Adalynn a relatable character at all?

2. Do you think she should've ended up with Leo or Ethan?

3. Feel free to ship right away! Which ship do you prefer and do you have a name in mind for it?

4. Which of Adalynn's female friends do you like the most? I know it's hard to choose but here we have it, Hayley, Jackie or Emma?

5. If you could chose between Ethan and Max, who would it be?

6. Does the Millers' backstory explain why Ethan was forced into helping Judy?

7. Did you see all the villains as actually being evil or would you have imagined them somewhere in the middle of good or bad?

8. Which villain did you dislike the most?

9. Were you happy with all the face claims I chose to represent the characters?

10. Were you surprised by the plot twist or did you enjoy it?

11. Last, but not least, does anyone want me to do a sequel?

Thanks for your time, ladies and gents, I'll leave you in peace now.

Have an amazing day peeps! I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️💕💕😁😁

~ WriteAwayGirl01

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