Knowing you more

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Once the five of you finally reached the practice room, Soyeon looked at you and sighed. "I don't even know whether you arw older or younger than Seorimmie." Soyeon sighed and you looked elsewhere. "Can't believe i'm going to be helping one of my idols." Soerim said, excited while you just sighed.

As the three of them are tuning their guitar and bass, Yoojin is trying the piano while you just sighed while twirling the drum sticks between your fingers. "Yah, want to try playing one of our songs? You know, loosen up a little." Bora suggested and all of you looked at wach other and smiled. "Let's do it then." Yoojin said and after you hit the sticks while counting, all of you started playing.

"Yah, the band's here already." Manager Kang said and all of them nodded. Just when they reached the practice room, they heard song playing, they opened the door a little and peeked inside and Yongguk's jaw-dropped. "Bbang, isn't she your sister?" Himchan asked, just as shock as his best friend. "Hyung, did you know she's in the band?" Youngjae asked and the leader shook his head. Once the five of you ended the song, all of you started chatting when manager Kang opened the door.

"They are here." He announced and you took a deep breath. "Nayoon-ah, why didn't you tell me you are in a band?" Yongguk asked as soon as he stepped inside. "Well.. Now you know right, oppa?" You said, trying to smile. "Eomma knows, you know and she's been asking me to quit." You said and Yongguk nodded. "Did eomma, appa, Nam and noona knows you have albums too?" He asked and you shook your head. "And i intended to keep it this way so oppa, please keep it a secret." You said and Yongguk nodded. "Good to see you again." B.A.P members said and you just smiled. "Let's do this then." Yongguk said and all of you nodded.

After playing for a few hours, the practice finally ended. "Wow.. That was intense practice." Bora said and you agreed. "We should be like them, you know." Soyeon said and both you and Bora looked at her. "Mwo?! We can't do that. I'm going to die then." Bora said and you agreed. "And again.. I wonder why you girls are older than Seorimmie." Soyeon said and all of you laughed, forgetting B.A.P is there.

"Yah, since the culture festival is after the finals, why not change composer?" Bora suggested and Soyeon looked at her. "What's wrong with my songs?" Soyeon asked and the four of you looked away, uneasy. "I know, Nayoonie can write it." Soyeon said and you jaw-dropped. "I remember i told you that my songs is not really our type of song, right?" You said and they looked at you. "I know, let's all write it and have a vote. How does that sound?" You asked and they agreed.

"Your sister is a composer?" Himchan asked and Yongguk just shrugged his shoulders. "Just how many things have she hid from you and your family?" Himchan said and Yongguk sighed. "Oh shit! Yah, we have to go! The restaurant is going to be a full house in one hour." You announced and they packed hurriedly. "Oppa, continue tomorrow, right? Don't tell our parents, Nam oppa and unnie, okay? Gomawo oppa." You said and all of you ran off.

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