7. Dark Laala

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Finally they arrived to Pripari.
Mirei, Sophie, Dressing Pafe, MyDream then go to Falulu, Non and Laala's mother in Falulu's room

"Where's Laala?" asked Dorothy
"Hibiki take her away" said Non
"But seriously, how can Laala changed like that?!" said Nino
"That's not Laala.... Laala that we all know will never do such thing" said Yui
"We have to investigate this" said Shion
"But where are they now?" asked Leona
"Hibiki-san said they went practice! Maybe we can find Laala in practice room" said Falulu

"Okay, Falulu lead the way-pri!" said Mirei

At practice room hall

"Hey, there's Laala" said Leona who look at one of the practice room
"You're right, but she's still with Hibiki-san. We have to wait" said Nino

They saw Laala was sitting at the bench looking at Hibiki who is practicing and after that Hibiki goes to Laala for a moment and go outside. After Hibiki is not seen at the hall, all of them went inside

"Laala....." said Yui to Laala who was sitting down
"What are you doing here, you all not supposed to be here" said Laala with low voice and not her usual voice
"Laala.... Please come back to us, to Mirei and Sophie too." Said Yui in front of Laala
"Sorry but Manaka Laala don't need teammates anymore. From now on she will do her idol activities on her own with Hibiki leading her"
"Laala! This is not you! You don't care about Mirei and Sophie anymore?!!" said Dorothy 

"Why should I care, everyone knows that they became kami idol because I take care of the goddess. It should have been me alone who attain kami title but since it's team grandprix. I don't have a choice"

 I don't have a choice"

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"Okay that's it-pri! I can't stand to hear this!" said Mirei who let out tears
"Mirei...." Said Leona who comfort Mirei who's crying

"Laala..." Sophie then hold Laala's hands and suddenly she's sees something

At a dark place

"Where is this?" thought Sophie while looking around and then she sees Laala who sits while crying

"Laala!" shout Sophie

"Sophie.... SOPHIE HELP ME, I CAN'T GET OUT!" shout Laala who had her hands tied up in front of her with dark shadow rope, the shadow rope also tied her feet and around her body. 

"Laala!!" when Sophie wants to go to Laala, suddenly she saw that Laala was surround by a deep hole so she can't come to Laala

"Sophie.... I still love you and Mirei! I don't want us to disband! You two are my precious friends" shout Laala
"But why you said all that stuff to us"
"I'm being controlled, she's not me!" shout Laala
"That's why.... Help me get out from this place! I can't do anything, even my kami idol power is being controlled by the evil me" shout Laala
"How can we save you?!" 

"Stop Hibiki and I winning the kiseki coord!"

Suddenly Sophie see Laala almost disappear 

"Laala! LAALA!!!" shout Sophie

And then Sophie goes back to reality, her face was surprised from what she had seen. Laala then give a mad look to Sophie

"What did you do.... Never mind GET OUT ALL OF YOU!" shout Laala with anger

Everyone then comes out leaving Laala alone in the practice room

Evil Laala comes to real Laala who still tied by the shadow rope

"I don't know what you just said to her, you will not stopping Hibiki and I doing this plan" said evil Laala to the real Laala

Real Laala at the other hand was squeeze hard by the shadow rope who was tying her

"I believe... that... they... can.... stop...you..." said the real Laala before she lost consciousness

"Hm! like they can stop us with that little kami power of them" said evil Laala with a smirk


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