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Peter heads up to his room and looks at his clock. '11:30 PM' the clock reads. Peter sits down on his bed and takes off his socks. Then he puts on some grey sweatpants and a black tee shirt that says ' You matter! Until you multiply by the speed of light squared, then you energy!'.

He lays down on his bed and starts to read his chemistry book that Tony put in his room the first night he was here. He already read through it twice but it kept his mind off of things like his...Aunt.

About an house later Peter feel asleep with the chemistry book draped over him and his bed desk lamp still on.


Time Skip (4 AM)

Peter woke up from another nightmare but that was to be expected. 'At least he didn't wake anyone else up from his thrashing' Peter thought.

Peter got out of bed considering that he probably won't be able to go back to sleep anytime soon and headed down to the avengers kitchen/living room. 

*Grugl* His stomach growled loudly but thankfully no one was in the room. Peter went into the cupboards to see what food they had and settled on some Cheez-It's. He sat down on the couch and started watching Shutter Island because he needed a semi-horror film to distract his thoughts.

He watch the film for about and hour but then heard a noise. Not a noise from the movie but from a person. He then heard some talking and felt more safe hearing the voice because it was calm and not threatening.

Then the voice got closer and soon enough it was just Steve wearing very sweaty clothes. "Hey Peter, why are you up so early?" Steve said as he saw the boy sitting on the couch eating cheez-it's.

"Oh..umm I just couldn't go back to sleep" Peter said looking at the ground.

"Lemme guess nightmares?" Steve said with a worried tone.

"Yeah" Peter said still looking at the ground.

"Well I just got back from my morning run but would you like some actual breakfast food?" Steve said to the boy.

"Sure" Peter said and got up from the couch to join Steve in the kitchen.

"So what would you like?" Steve said while looking through the food that they had.

"Umm what do you have?" Peter asked tilting his head to the side.

"Pancakes, waffles, eggs, toast, and bacon" Steve listed to Peter.

"Pancakes sound good" Peter says brightening up a little.

"Ok blueberry ones sound good?" Steve says grabbing the pancake materials.

"Sure" Peter says.

"Ok ill get started on these and if you want I think Bruce and Tony are in the lab working on some stuff. So you can go join them if you want to and ill call you guys down when i'm done, wound good?" Steve says knowing the boy loves science and would probably love to visit the lab. 

"Yeah that sounds amazing!" Peter says and jumps up from his seat and goes downstairs to the labs.

Peter decides to climb onto the ceiling into the lab just to scare the two science bros. He is on the ceiling now in the lab but Tony and Bruce haven't noticed him yet so hes just siting there and waits for about 5 minutes. Then Peter climbs over to where to Tony is and decides to scare him but in a chill way.

"Hey Tony" Peter says nonchalant and Tony jumps back from the noise and looks up to see Peter on the ceiling.

"Peter!? What are you doing?? And how long have you been there?" Tony says in shock.

"Oh about.... Jarvis how long was I hear for?" Peter asks the AI forgetting how long he's been here. 

"Exactly 15 minutes and 23 seconds Peter" Jarvis says to the young boy.

"What?? I thought it was only 5 minutes... well time fly's when your having fun" Peter says and shrugs his shoulders.

"15 minutes?! Gosh Bruce we need to upgrade our security in here!" Tony says shocked.

"I'm sure Jarvis would have informed us if someone else was coming but because it was just Peter there was no need to" Bruce says turning back around to what he was working on.

"Jarvis, is that true?!" Tony says to his AI.

"Yes sir. I was having a wonderful experiance watching Peter sneak into the lab on the ceiling" Jarvis responds to Tony.

"Traitor!" Tony yells in a sarcastic tone.

"So Mr. Sta... I mean Tony... what are you working on? Steve said you wouldn't mind if I visited the lab for a little so that's why i'm here if you were wondering"Peter says jumping down to the ground while doing a back flip in midair.

"Yeah I don't mind but anyways i'm upgrading my repulsers to shoot faster but this equation doesn't seem right" Tony says pointing to an equation for his repulsers. 

" Oh is because you forgot to add the 23 to the square root of 4x squared at the beginning and that would mean that this would change to 56.89x..." Peter says while changing the equation to be correct. "And finally x would equal 156.72" Peter says finishing the equation.

At this point both Bruce and Tony are staring wide eyed at the boy with there mouths hanging wide open. "That's.....AMAZING!" Tony says astonished by Peters work. 

"That's really impressive Peter" Bruce says shocked at the boy's intelligence.

"Thanks but it wasn't that hard" Peter says laughing a little.

"Show off" Tony says laughing. Then the room is filed with the AI's voice.

"Sir Captain Rogers has told me to inform you, Dr Banner and Peter that the pancakes are ready.

"oooo Steve made pancakes?! Yum!!!" Tony says like a kid and jumps up from his seat heading to the kitchen with Peter and Bruce.

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