; six ;

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It had been almost a month since Jack had blocked Gia. Almost a month since the first of many messages exchanged between him and Y/N. She had fully forgiven him by this point but they still weren't necessarily a couple like before.

Naturally the majority of the fans had become slightly confused at the tweets and posts on instagram from each of them. However neither had purposely addressed anything to their followers and so they had agreed on simply saying that it was a rough patch if anybody cared to ask later on.


I picked my ringing phone up from the stand by my bed that it was sat vibrating on top of. I smiled to see that the contact picture displayed the worst picture of Jack she could possibly find which made her laugh every time he called without fail.

"Good morning beautiful," Jack spoke as I picked up the call.

Despite the fact that we weren't technically dating again yet, I had noticed his many attempts at flirting to which I usually responded to without even thinking about it.

"How do you know I look beautiful? I could have just smashed my face on a pile of rocks," I chuckled as I made up the first situation I thought of.

"I'm sure you haven't, and you'd probably still look good anyway," he responds, a laugh also following his words.

Jack and I talk for an hour or two, words flowing between us before I get called away by my mum wanting to talk to me.

"Well bye Jack," I say.

"Bye Y/N," Jack replies. "I miss you."

"I miss you too," I tell him.

"I guess I'll text you later then?" he asks.

"Yes," I nod in agreement despite the fact he can't see me. We exchange another couple of goodbyes before I give up and hang up with a smile.

I zip up the pocket of my jeans after sliding my phone inside before I open the door to my bedroom and head down the stairs to where the rest of my family is waiting for me in the living room.

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask directing the question towards my mum as I sit down on one of the sofas.

"Well," she start off. "Your dad and I have a little surprise for both you and Liza." she tells me with a smile growing on he lips.

By this point Liza is bouncing up and down in her seat, unable to contain her excitement for the surprise.

"Open these," my dad says, passing my sister and I an envelope each. "Y/N, you open yours first."

I nod and take the envelope as Liza grabs hold of hers and holds it tightly in her hands. Peeling the paper open, I take a out my passport first. Then I take out a boarding pass and finally I take out a sheet of paper with the Disney castle on it.

"Oh my god!" I exclaim excitedly. "Thank you!"

"Can I open it now? Can I open it now?" Liza asks.

Both my parents nod at her and she rips open the envelope, not really understanding until she see's the photo of the castle. At this point she screams loudly and runs around the living room with the paper in her hand and a huge smile on her face.

"Which one are we going to?" I ask.


"We're going to California! Oh my god!" I smile widely. California is always somewhere I've wanted to travel to. I hug both my parents tightly once more before practically dancing up the stairs to my room with a huge smile on my face.

I flop down on to my bed, the stupid smile still on my face, and reach for my phone which I left on my bedside table. Immediately I unlock it and search for Jack's number to face time him and tell him that I'll be coming to Los Angeles in October, next month, which is only a week or two away.

My phone rings twice before he picks up. As he does he laughs noticing the grin plastered on my face.

"What's up?" he asks.

"We're coming to LA!" I exclaim excitedly.

"No way!" He yells. "When? What? Why? How?"

"None of that made any sense," I tell him with a giggle.

"Shut up," he retorts. "Now tell me!"

"My parents just surprised us and told Liza and I that we're flying out to California for two weeks. We land at LAX in just over a week and a half! Then we're going to spend the first week at Disney and the second week just exploring LA," I ramble, spouting a continuous stream of words at him very quickly.

"Oh my god we have to meet up! The boys and I can show you around LA and maybe we can even spend a couple of days at Disney while you're there!" Jack smiles. "Of course if that's ok with you and your family. And I'll have to check with the boys but-"

"Jack that would be great," I smile, cutting him off. "My parents would love to see you and the boys again. They've missed you almost as much as I have and they're constantly asking how you are and if we're together again yet..." I trail off.

"Well hey, you know what we said," he replies.

"We could try things out again when we next see each other?" I ask.

He just nods, a smile spreading across his face. I smile too and we continue to talk for another half hour before taking a good five minutes to hang up.

I collapse back on to my bed, from the up right position I had moved to through out the call, happily knowing that I'll see Jack and the rest of the boys really really soon.



I've got so many things to say damn. I'm just gonna make a list that's easier I guess 😂

1). Sorry it's been so long (two weeks but ya know) I completely forgot until Wednesday night and but that time I was just like oh well I'll wait til next week now.





ok that's me done, thanks for reading, maybe vote? ok bye

[written ; 10th June 2018]

[published ; 9th July 2018]

[word count ; 987]

i depend on you ; sequel to numbersWhere stories live. Discover now