Chapter Three

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Wedding Day

I'm looking at my reflection. I'm so beautiful. The dress is so beautiful. My make up accessories everything is so beautiful.

"Hey sis. You look beautiful."

"Oh.Oppa! Annyeong.. It's been a long time we've met. And thank you."

"I miss you Y/N" He came toward me and hug me.

"I miss you to Taehyung Oppa"


I'm walking in the aisle i feel nervouse my hands are sweaty. I look at the left i saw Bts jungkook's friends theyre a mafia to. And i look at the right i saw bts's wives.. (/0/) I look at the front i saw jungkook looking so handsome. I felt my heart beating so fast.

Soon i reach him. I'm not gonna lie.. He's handsome..


Jeon jungkook do you take Park Y/N as your wife?


Park Y/N do you take jeon jungkook as your husband?

I look at him in the eyes he's staring at my eyes to. Just like where at a staring contest.i don't know what to do now. I need to protect my family i need to do this. You can do it Y/N.I felt him squeezed my hand so i answered what the father ask.

".....Yes" sigh

Father:You may now kiss the bride.

Jungkook slowly leane his face on mine and soon our lips met i feel love ilon his kiss i kissed back beacause i don't know??I lack of air so i pulled away. I look at him his eyes were full of lust and love.He smiled at me with his bunny smile and i smile back. I just don't knkw why. We both look at the audience they were all cheering.

Tomorrow we need to go to our wedding party(Is it right? I don't know? Wedding party or reception?) So we both went to our new house.


When we reach our house or should i say mansion i quickly went inside not waiting for him because this dress i wearing is so heavy i want to change.

When i got change i heard a bang at the door i look at it.. It was jungkook. His eues were full of lust yet love.

He quickly went to me and grab my wrist and throw me in the bed. I tried to sat up but he hovered above me.

Jungkook:Y/N your already mine but not really because i need to do something that will say you were trully mine.

Me:w-what is it?" i stutterd.

Jungkook:Like this.

Me:Like wha--" i didn't finish my sentence when jungkook kiss me roughly. I didn't notice that my shirt already at the floor. I can't controll my self that i already kissing him back. Okay to be honest i want him now. He turned me on already.

I kiss him back roughly and unbotoned his clothe..



Forced By Mafia/yandere J.jk ✔Where stories live. Discover now