Chapter 27

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I woke up and threw the sheets of my bed on the floor and went inside the bathroom turned on the tap and brushed my teeth i looked at my reflection... I touched my face and shaked my head and walked out

I took in a deep breath and I stood there naked letting the warm water hit my skin like it was punishing me for the sins of my past after I was done I slipped into a grey hoodie which said "never give up" I rolled my eyes at the vintage quote I wore a black track pant and off I went with my headphones plugged in
I started jogging


"Excuse me sir but there's a man named Axel for you shall I let him in?" Asked our maid

"Ummm hmm" I said fixing my tie in the mirror she nodded and left knock knock !!

"Come in" I said as I turned around I man of 35 came in with box in his hand "good morning sir" he said in a happy tone

I nodded "have you done my work?" I asked him in deadly serious tone the pain of betrayal in my heart continued

"Here you go sir just as you wanted" he gave a big box which was gift wrapped into my arms and I smirked

"The money will be transferred in your account will it leak?" I asked him while scrutinizing the box "no sir its frozen" he said

I kept the box on the backseat and shut the door of my car and a mischievous smile appeared on my face

I drove to Amber's home and rang the bell "why are you here?'' Her sister said as she opened the door I sighed and replied " I know I was an asshole let me in and apologize to her" I said with guilt in my eyes

She moved aside letting me in "he's here isnt it?" I heard amber and I could sense her running towards me I was expecting for her embrace but she stopped in her tracks

"You" she pointed her index finger at me "your behind his disappearance isn't it?" She was fuming with anger

"Come again... " before I could finish she ran towards me in a lighting speed and grabbed my collar and shook me "you. why?" She said in tears

Her sister let her free my collar and made her sit on the couch she was such a beautiful sight she crossed her arms on her chest and said "why are you here?huh? To humiliate me some more?"

"No no I am here to apologize to you and look I bought you a gift I am sorry by the way what were you talking about?" I asked her

"Her boyfriend is missing" her sister butted in "what do you mean by missing?" I asked her "he isn't answering my calls and no one knows about her whereabouts" amber sobbed

"I will order all my men to find him don't worry" I said "here please accept this" I said handing over the gift box

She took the box and looked at her sister and she nodded she mumbled a thankyou and started tearing off the gift wrap she opened the box and screamed and jumped and stood up making the box fall on the ground and his beloved boyfriends head to roll out of it

Her sister gasped and amber ran towards the bathroom to throwup and I sat on the couch watching them and laughing at them

"You bloody..." Said amber before she could finish her sister threatened me to call the cops "you think I would end up in jail? Bitch please I have money tons of money I can make all the evidence against you and you both wouldn't look good in the orange jumpsuit" I said and walked towards the door

"Hey make a soup out of his skull and tell me how it was" I winked and closed the door behind me

End of flashback

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