Being Bitten

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Moon cycle: Waning Gibbous

 " You mean to tell me that werewolves are real?" I asked in a accusing tone. My mind was now a mess. This has to be a joke, right? 

   "Not just that, but you are now one. He replied with a amused tone. Luckily for you we found you in time before the Rouge King could do what he had planned for you. Thus comes to the reason why your here at the academy. We can't have random wolves running around, especially new bloods. For now you will become a permeant residence here until you get adopted into a pack."

  "You can't just keep me here." I tried to argue back but was shut down immediately."

  "I can and will, we have already contacted your father and was told you where accepted into a Prestige level school and won't be home for awhile." He shot back. Of course my dad put up no fight, probably was passed out drunk on the floor, I thought darkly.  "Now if you follow me we have a meeting to attend, along with the rest of this years students." He said while spinning on his heel and walked out the white room. 

  "Hey wait up for me!" I yelled after him while jumping out of bed. That's when I realized I was in a all black jumpsuit.  My face went red when I thought of someone seeing me naked. Not that I'm against it but still I didn't give consent. 

   We entered a long corridor stretching for what seemed endlessly. "Uhh Mr- I mean Alpha Pine, where exactly are we? I've never seen a building this huge anywhere." I questioned.

  "We are hiding behind strong wards, to a normal human the giant area of land we have, looks like a huge forest in the middle of nowhere." He explained not slowing his pace.

I struggled to keep up, but soon I could hear the laughter of other people. We took a sharp left and came to a set of old large victorian doors. I let out a nervous laugh, great more werewolves. Though I am one now apparently it still feels like I'm trapped in a dream.

  Alpha Pine opened both doors at once and blazed in.  The laughter and talking all cut out at once. Complete silence now covered the room like a chill in the air. There was over 100 students in the room excluding me. 

Alpha Pine turned and looked at me. "Go sit at your assigned area, before you say anything yes I know you don't know where that is. It's over yonder that's where your substitute pack is sitting." He said pointing at a group of kids in the front left a couple of them with sneers. 

  "If you're sure." I said while pinching myself still hoping I was in a dream. I made my way over towards my new pack mates. Seeing looks of all kinds from fella students around me. Looks of awe, hate, even a hint of fear. 

"So you're the bitten, expected more." said the biggest one out of them all with a sigh.

"Richard shut up be nice, he must be confused as all of hell." Said a blond headed girl. She held out her hand to me. "Hi I'm Liberty, and don't mind dick he's just interested that's all we don't often get new pack members." She offered joyfully.

"Howdy I'm Trevor, I'm just glad to be alive and that someone took me in" I said while taking her hand. she had a much stronger grip than expected. " Oh I think your going to love it here." She said with a wink. " By the way this is Richard but everyone calls him dick, he's a alpha in training and he's also my brother. Next to him is Susan, can't miss her red hair anywhere, then theres David short but loyal to the end. Now you, as you can tell we have a small pack but thats just this year we have more in the pack dorms."  She introduced everyone, who all in turn said hello, dick even managed a half ass apology.

"EXUSE ME CAN I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION!" Alpha Pine roared. Everyone got silent again. He let out a deep chuckle. " Now that I have your attention we can begin"

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