Morning Glory

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It was a cold Sunday in Sakura New Town. Cold for a June. Dew littered the grass and various fauna, reflecting the sun's glistening ray's creeping over Mount Wildwood. It blanketed the houses below in a warm and comforting glow.

The orange brightness was enough to wake some people up; one of those people was Natsume Amano.

The uncurtained window welcomed the sun's ray's, filling the once dark room with light. It illuminated all the neatly placed objects and items belonging to the girl, including her blanket covers. Since the night was much colder than the morning, Natsume had the mint green comforter pulled up under her chin. Her feet stuck out from the night of tossing and turning, but she didn't notice this as she slept.

She also didn't notice the feeling in her abdomen.

Turning over to her right so her face might avoid the warming rays, the covers went with her. It exposed the part of the bed where she had been sleeping most of the night.

On part near the edge, there was a splotch of dried blood, staining her sleeping shorts also in the process.

But also beside the spot was a tail, long and thin, sticking out of ,and pulling down a little, said sleeping shorts.

And yet it was only when Natsume couldn't go back to sleep from the sun's light poking at her did she decide it was time to get out of bed.

Throwing off the covers in sulky manner, she swept her legs off the bed and planted her feet on the floor. When the back her thighs hit the crimson stain, she froze and tried to comprehend what she felt.

Had had to be. At thirteen, this was something she had to expect for her womenhood to sprout from her womb, or something like that. Her sex ed teacher had a weird way of explaining things.

But this was just bad considering she had just washed these sheets yesterday. At least it was better than what she thought it was at first.

Groaning a little, the girl stood up to get dressed before having to wash the bed covers. That was when she noticed the second surprise. After a three steps, a soft thump came from behind her. Natsume turned, thinking she dropped her phone, only to find a hairless tail on the floor leading up to the small of her back.

It was truly a surreal experience. She just looked at it, ironically detached from everything. The first thought that came after the mental silence was that she was just tired and seeing things. It made the most sense at this point.

Natsume just stumbled to dresser, reaching for the knob before she saw another thing. Her hand now had pads, colored slightly darker than the rest of her skin, that felt soft and sensitive. Along with that, her fingernails had gone sharper at the ends and felt looser than usual. Her eyes had gone as big as dinner plates as she stared at the other anomaly.

Ok, the tail she could just write off as some sort remenent of a dream, but these? No, just no. Just in case, Natsume pointed a finger at one of the pads, gingerly rubbing it. It gave a her a feeling equal to a tickle, but she was far from laughing. She wanted to scream at this point.

First, she just menstruated all over her covers (the ones she had just WASHED), and now she was turning into a werewolf? This couldn't get any worse.

Yet it did.

Natsume quickly gathered up an outfit consisting of a black t shirt with a pair of comic book lip and a capris, along with extra undergarments, before making the mistake of standing up in front of the mirror.

Instead of the normal rounded ears and brown eyes, Natsume instead had her ears pointed at the ends, her irises now a brilliant green.

She tried to ignore what she had seen and focus on changing from her bloody clothing.

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