Chapter 11| Trouble

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Third Person POV

Star looked into the mirror. She smiled at what she saw. A beautiful ballgown. Her dress was strapless, had a silver belt right above her stomach , it flared outward and had small ivory butterflies at the bottom. "Oh my gosh it's beautiful. Thank you Anthony," the princess exclaimed to the dress designer.

Anthony chuckled. "Anything for you your majesty," he responded.

Star took another look at herself in the mirror. She turned to one side and frowned a bit. "Do you think it will fit me next month," she said placing a hand on her stomach.

Anthony shook his head. "It will that's why the belt is above your stomach," he pointed out.

Star gave a slight nod. "Good to know," she looked up at the clock and ran to the changing room "well I gotta go but thank you so much." Star came out of the changing room with a mint t-shirt jeans and her red devil horned head band. "Bye."


Star left the room and raced to the throne room. Not to see Marco ready to hangout but to see him and her father in armor surrounded by soldiers. "Marco is everything alright," she asked concerned.

Marco looked up to see Star. "Don't worry everything is perfectly fine. Just patrol," he reassured her.

"Oh well that sucks...I really wanted to have some alone time, it's been awhile because all of the stuff thats been going on."

"I know but I'll be back soon," Marco said kissing her on the forehead.

Star nodded while Marco, her father and the soldiers headed out of the castle leaving her and her mother alone.

Marco's POV

The soldiers and I all walked out of the castle ready to patrol around the kingdom. We searched everywhere. Caught a few people stealing. Then we headed to the forest of certain death. The name was fitting. There were plants that would eat you and water that was like acid.

Quietly and quickly we all filed into the forest. That's when River began some small talk with me. "So...have you and Star thought of any names for the baby," he asked.

I chuckled a bit and smiled. It's still hard to belive that I'm going to be a dad. "No we really haven't. I guess it never crossed our minds. You know because of the wedding and stuff," I explained.

" are the wedding plans going. Has Star picked a dress, or flowers? Have you made the guest list?" The king asked.

I waved my hands out in front of me. "Yes all of that has been taken care of but maybe we can talk about it later. Let's talk about it later so we can finish this up and I can get back to Star."

"Don't plan on it," a women's voice boomed.

I turned and my heart dropped. "You," I said in a cold voice. It was the girl who had attacked Star and I only a few months ago.

"Hi hun," she said with a little wave before diving down and attacking.

Star's POV

I sat on a stool at the small kitchen bar. I starred at the wall and placed a hand on my stomach. "Daddy will be home soon," I whispered to my belly.

I slouched over. "Ugghhh," I groaned. Marco hasn't been back. It doesn't help that morning sickness was traveling into the afternoon.

The familiar burning sensation rise to my throat. I walked over to the trash can and vomitted. I wipped my mouth and sighed. Then I heard the castle door open and feet hitting the tile. I turned to see a paniced Marco gasping for air. "M-Marco...what happened where are the soldiers and my dad," I said paniced.

He came and hugged me. "I'm just glad you are safe."

I hugged back. He released the hug and held my shoulders to look at me. "What happened," I said more panicy.

"The girl...the girl that attacked us. She cornered us in the forest of certain death. I barely got away. The last thing I heard from her was that she was coming for and I had to make sure you were safe."

Tears began to fill my eyes and spill down my cheeks. Marco pulls me in close and kissed my forehead. "My dad a-and the soldiers and I-I" I began to stutter. I couldn't believe that this was happening. The sickness began to rise to my throat once more.

Marco lightly pushed me to a wall. "I'm just glad your alright," he said lowering his lips toward mine.

His arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer. My arms snaked around his neck and my fingers ran through his hair. His lips pressed against mine. Instead of the normal bliss would feel his lips felt cold and unfamiliar. He gripped around my waist tight way to tight. I felt a pain in my stomach and I quickly pushed him away. "Marco careful, the baby," I said as I held my stomach.

"O-oh I'm sorry I forgot...with all that's been going on."

I looked at him quizzically. "How could YOU of all people forget. You do nothing but talk about it."

He scratched the back of his head. Something was up. There is no way that this is Marco. "Starshine, I'm just stressed." Starshine? Since when has he ever called me that.

"Marco what's your middle name."

He froze in place. "Franklin?"

I jumped back. "Who are you?"

He gave a dark chuckle. "Nothing can get past you can it princess," said an oddly familiar voice.

He burst into flames and my jaw dropped. It was the girl from the other night. "You," I shouted.

"Yes me," she said with a smirk painted across her face.

"Where is Marco and my dad."

"You'll be seeing your fiancé and daddy soon," she said gripping me tight as she flew off the ground.

I sruggled and eventually fell to the ground. She grabbed my devil horns barely missing my hair. I quickly blasted her causing her to fly out the window. Quickly I put up a force field and fell to the ground crying.

I heard heels clicking on the tiles. I tilted my head up to see my mother with worry on her face. "Star darling what happened," she asked.

She kneeled down next to me and I fell into her arms. "She took them mom. She took Marco and dad," I balled.

"Who did."

"The girl who attacked us a couple months back."

My mom was shocked. "How."

"I don't aggh," I tried to explain but I felt a sudden sharp pain in my side.

"Star," my mom gasped.

I laid on my back and my mother saw three deep slashes on the left side of my stomach. "You need to get to the inferimery now.

Celen's POV

"Dang it. The only thing I got from that brat was a stupid head band" I said thinking out loud.

I looked at the horns and then laughed. "Maybe I can use that knight's feelings to my advantage," I said as I flew off into the night.

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