The Fantasy Inside Your Mind

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The first thing I registered was the sound of water echoing in my ears. My eyes fluttered open and struggled to focus. My muscles cried out in pain as I slowly stood up. Where was I? I took in my surroundings. I was in a dark tunnel, which was cold, wet and damp. My mind could not seem to comprehend how I had ended up here. I blindly ran to my left and collided with a solid wall. I winced, backing away and going the other direction. I could barely make out a small pinpoint of light in the distance. I desperately dashed towards it, tripping over my own feet. The light got bigger the closer I ran to it, until the tunnel finally ended. I stepped out, light flooding my vision, forcing my eyes to squint.

An unfamiliar voice asked, " Hello? What is your name? You don't seem to be from here." A beautiful woman cautiously walked towards me. Were my eyes deceiving me? She was not walking, but hovering, propelled by two partially translucent crimson fairy wings. Her crimson dress had a fluffy, sparkly skirt. Fresh red roses lined the collar of the dress alongside glistening red rubies. She had perfectly bronzed skin, amber eyes, and curly black hair down to her shoulders.

I spluttered in shock, "M-my n-name?" My first memory came back to me. My high-pitched voice rang out," My name is Charlotte Astrid, but I prefer being called Char. I would like to know who you are and where I am."

She smiled sweetly and responded, " Char, my name is Gigi the Red Rose Fairy, and I am one of Queen Adelaide's courtiers, so I'm on her side. Regarding where you are, you are in the Land of Fantasy." My mind was swirling with confusion, trying to grasp what she was saying.

" I don't understand how I got here. I woke up in a tunnel with no memories. The first thing I remembered was my name, and that was just moments ago." I saw a flash of realization in Gigi's eyes. I asked in a tone of suspicion, " Do you know why?"

She fidgeted uncomfortably and awkwardly fibbed, " Er, no. No clue. Like, at all." I raise one eyebrow and gave her a disapproving look. " Anyway," she said a little too forcefully, " I think there is someone who could assist you. His name's Ethan Stanton, he is an innkeeper who also has a store in the basement of the inn." I looked at her like she just told me to jump off a cliff.

" How could an innkeeper help me?" I asked indignantly.

"You'll find that out for yourself, " she replied with a small smirk. Something about her made me feel a sense of unease in the pit of my stomach, but I casually threw my feelings out the window and asked, " So, where are we heading to?" She pointed to a worn-down road with a wooden sign that had crudely that had crudely painted white letters on it which read, " THIS WAY TO THE VILLAGE." We trudged along on this path, passing by rugged mountainous terrain with twittering birds flying excitedly past us. I saw many new kinds of flowers and kept pestering Gigi to tell me about them. The landscape was covered with the vibrant colors of the rainbow. We paused at noon, when the sun was beating down fiercely upon us. And at that moment, I felt my stomach growling angrily for food. "Hey Gigi, you don't happen to have any food on you?", I asked tiredly.

She glanced back at me, shook her head and said, " We can find something to eat here." I stared in bewilderment as she delicately hovered over to a patch of white flowers and picked a bouquet. She proceeded to take out a long wand made of ebony and tapping the flowers causing them to open to full bloom. I was still gaping when she handed me half of the flowers.

"Drink," she ordered. I drank the sweet, smooth, golden liquid. It was the best thing I'd ever tasted, and it made me feel as if I were in heaven. With our hunger satisfied, we set off towards the inn once more, making small talk and laughing about silly things of no importance.

" Ah, here we are," Gigi finally said. We were standing in front of a large brick building with faded silver numbers on the blue mailbox that read," 4261." Gigi knocked on the door with the brass knocker. After a few seconds, the door slowly swung open. An old, silver-haired gentleman with gray eyes greeted us.

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