Infected ellis x reader

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Y/N L/N~ your first and last name
Y/g~your gender
F/g- favorite gun
F/m- favorite mele weapon
N/n- nick name
Lets start from the beggining.
You were Y/n L/n. You were a tall/medium/short Y/g.You and ellis had always been buddys, you have known him since kindergarten, and as an adult you worked with ellis as a mechanic.
You have had feelings for the brown haired, hat wearing, goof ball, for...well... What felt like forever. It started during your junior year in highschool, you would secretly crush on him, luckily he never found out. Ok nevermind that's not important..what's important is blowing up some zombie heads. That's right you were in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, who would have guessed it. People always say how cool it would be during the apocalypse, but in truth it was a reincarnation of hell. That wasnt even the worst part for you, you planned on telling ellis that you liked him the day that the apocalypse started.

Four months ago-
Y/ns pov
Ok today is the day, today is the day in gonna tell ellis that I like him! Ok come on you can do it y/n!
I fix my overalls to go over my shoulders and straighten out my shirt. Ok y/n you can't screw this up! You just walk out there and hope that he feels the same way! I grab the little box of coke from my desk and walk out the door running to get to work before I am late.
You make it to work on time and start to work out how you will say all of this to him 'Ellis I have really liked you for a very long time and I was hoping you would share my feelings?' No too cliche 'ellis date me' again no, to desperate, I know what about 'Ellis I really like you! I have liked you for a long time! And I was wondering if you might like me too?' That might work.
You walk to where two people are working on a car one of them is ellis, alright here goes nothing! But before you could even part your lips, there was a buzzing sound on the radio, before it sparked to life, all you could hear on it was a news broadcast. "Citizens lock your doors and your windows, baracade whatever you can! If you see someone who looks dead don't talk to them don't go me-AHHHH-*BZZZZZZZZ." What the hell. You rush towards the doors and windows locking them, then you lock the garage door. "Ellis what are we going to do!?" I squealed. "I-I don't know." You spent the rest of the day looking around for things to arm yoursleves with, you finding a f/g and f/m.
Later is when you meet nick, coach, ext. You zoom out of your thoughts as you realise a charger is coming your way, crap. You dodge, and start shooting at him. You were in the middle of a fight with a horde when you heard it "HELP A JOCKEYS GOT ME!" You ran straight through the crowd of zombies looking for ellis. Then you spotted him, stumbling around the middle of the street, trying to pry the infected off his head. You ran to get to him shooting at the Jockey every chance you got. The thing eventually let go of ellis and scampered away. "Thanks n/n." You looked at him and smiled. You helped him get up and then regrouped once you found the others.
The rest of the night was pretty slow. You walked from the small neighborhood you were once in to a tiny farm secluded from the rest of the world and not an infected in sight, hallalua. You went inside the house making sure there wasn't any infected there, then once declared clear you started to find places in the living room where you could sleep. Once all preperations were made we still needed someone to cover the night shift to make sure no zombies were coming. You offered but then was declined when ellis persuaded that you shouldnt do that and instead he will do it. You only nodded seeing how serious he was. Then you travaled back to your makeshift bed and tried to sleep.
You couldn't sleep. Everyone else was asleep but you couldnt fall asleep, what was wrong with you? Maybe it was the fact you kept on remembering that day, or maybe how you couldn't get your feelings off your chest. You sat up looking around the room. There everyone was sleeping. Coach asleep on the bloody couch, Rochelle asleep in the corner cradling an ak-47, and nick sleeping with his head against a coffee table, and the others all in diffrent parts of the living room.
You stand up from where you were laying, seeing as maybe you could just help ellis keep watch. You pick up your gun and start tip toeing out the front door, as to not disturb the others. You look outside seeing ellis sitting on the porch, having fallen asleep. "Ellis..Ellisssss." You whisper while poking him. "Hmmmm" he grumbled. "Ellis you got to wake up." "But ma I don't want to get ready for schoolllll." You giggled and poked his cheek. He slightly opened an eye and looked at you. "Oh hey y/n." "Hey ellis you mind if I sit out here with you, I couldn't sleep so I decided I wanted to spend time with you, seeing as we haven't had a lot of time together since this whole thing started." He stared at you before saying "eh no worry, I missed your company too."  You smiled and sat down next to him.
He started talking about old memories that you had shared together, you laughed at everyone of them, then you felt like your someone just punched your gut. You wheezed as you realised what your gut waa telling you....tell him.
Ellis looked at you in worry. You shook your head and gave him an embarrassed smile. "Are you ok?" "Y-yeah sorry I just was thinking." Your gut punched itself again and you decided 'thats it I'm gonna tell him.' "Hey ellis?" "Yeah" "you remember the day that this all happened?" "Yeah?" Here goes nothing. "Well on that day I was gonna tell you something before that news report interupted me." "What were you gonna tell me?" "Well I was gonna tell you thatireallyreallylikeyouanditsokifyoudontlikemeback!" You buried your head in your hands to hide your cherry red cheeks. Your head was moved by him grabbing your chin and looking at you, not with disgust but with true happiness. Next warm lips were placed on yours and you immediately melted into his grasp. You both pulled away gasping for air. You looked up at him and cuddled into him, He cuddled back. You sat there the rest of the night watching for infected but luckily you never found any.
When the others woke up you two were walking around the outside of the house holding hands. You didn't notice at first but the others were on the porch watching us walk around, then we noticed them. They started making fun of ellis while Rochelle congratulated you on finally spilling your feelings. You pry yourself from her and walk over to ellis pulling him over to you, you look up at him and kiss him saying, "don't worry about them they are just jealous they can't get a girlfriend!" " we are a thing?" "Obviously goofball!" He chuckled and walked with you back to the group, hands still entwined with each other. "Alright love birds we are going to head in that direction, to see if we can find any stores or homes to raid." You both nodded and started walking towards that direction killing every infected in your path.
You made it to the new city, it looks baren enough but you don't split up from the group, that's never a good idea. You all go into a small shop and look inside for food, weapons, and ammunition. You found a few cans of food and a few bottles of water, no weapons or ammunition though, damnit. You were all about to leave before a few screeches were heard outside. You grab hold of you gun and run to follow the rest of the group. You found a whole horde of infected outside and about 1 or 2 special infected. You shot away at the horde once they spotted you. You were doing good before you were shoved to the ground only hearing one thing
"Y/N!!!" You couldn't comprehend what was happening but when you did you felt your world crash into a million pieces. What you saw would haunt you forever. You saw ellis being bitten by an infected. Out of fury you shot the thing in the log causing it to let go of ellis, then what you did next caused the whole group to stare at you in surprise. You hit it in the head with the butt of your gun, then you shoved it to the ground sitting on top of it, smacking it with the gun, causing its head to cave in as you screamed in rage. When you finished your little fit you ran to ellis hugging his dying body. " this can't be happening!" You screamed "Heh I guess I won't be making it all the way through this." "" "Y/n please dont cry." You stared into his once livley blue(?) eyes as he wiped the tears sliding down your cheeks. "You can't leave me!" "Y/n I want you to have this." He pulled off his hat placing it on your lap. "But!" "Y/n don't but me you'll be fine, please make it for me, your a strong girl/boy. I know you can do it." "But I don't to leave you..." "You don't have to I'll always be with you right here." He placed his finger where your heart was. "I love you." "I love you too, now get out of here before another horde comes!" You didn't have a chance to respond before coach pulled you away. "Come on y/n we have to get out of here." You looked back to see ellis giving you one last smile. "Bye n/n" you waved back to him tears falling down in waterfalls. "Bye el." You whispered to him before being dragged away from the gruesome scene.
Fast forward 2 years later-
Everyone but you had died, or the simpler version were bitten and turned. You have been traveling by yourself ever since you lost coach. Nick, Rochelle, and Louis all 'died' before that. You had grown to the lonlieness, even though deep down you wish you could be in ellis's warm bear hugs again, but since you couldn't you always wore his hat as a reminder of him. Being in dream world you didn't realise that you stumbled into a new town. Once you realised you were in a new territory you raised your gun ready to fire, there wasn't anything there so you walked into a shop, first checking to see if it was safe, then checking for anything useful. Fortune was on your side today because you hit a jackpot guns, ammunition, melee, first aid, food, water, and coke! You were in heaven! You loaded the things you needed into your backpack and walked out of the store unaware of the eyes that were following you, as you silently sang your favorite song.
You took a bite of one of the chocolate bars you found, and sat on one of the neighboring houses porch. You finished the chocolate and stared at the bright blue sky, it would have been prettier if there wasn't the constant fear of being mawled to death or turned into one of...*shudders* them.. You were so consumed in your thoughts you didn't notice a horde forming to the left of you. *groan* you grab your new key found gun and scan the area seeing the horde. 'now I know why nick always said quit day dreaming.' You tried tip toeing away from the horde so that you wouldn't have to waste bullets, but one of the infected caught sight of you and screeched, alerting the growing crowd. "S***!" You screamed dodging claws and mouths. You were almost out of ammunition for your gun and you were going to have to resort to using your melee weapon. This fight wasn't in your favor, if all of your friends were still alive, maybe just maybe you could actually win this. You were starting to loose energy and fast, you tripped over a rock while you were backing up as to not get hit, and landed straight on your butt. The horde was so close now, and you were ready to face your impending doom. *SCREECH!!* What the hell? The horde noticed to and looked at another infected who looked oddly familiar? Where had you seen it before? Lets say you were more then terrified. You stood there, well more like sat, paralysed, it was him... It was ellis, but not the same ellis you knew from before, he was the infected ellis, or rather the zombie ellis if you want to call him that. He went into a full blown rage scratching and biting at the other infected. You sat there shocked was he doing it so he could kill you!? Once finished he limped towards you, you backed up every step he took, he stopped once seeing that you were trying to get away from him. You looked up at his face, it looked relatively the same aside for a different kind of skin tone and a few scratches here and there. He also had a face full of relief and joy. "Y-y/..n...?" You were suprised both that he could remember you and that he could talk "E-ellis?" Without warning he ran to you picking you up and spinning you around and pulling you in a massive bear hug. All you could think was 'he's alive' 'he remembers me!' And 'he isn't murdering my face!' "Whe-where are th-e others?" You looked up at him with a frown. "They.. They... Didn't make it." He sat down and set you on his lap. "E-el?" "Y-yeah" "are you..infected?" He stared at you. "Well..yeah..." You looked at him a little bit of fear showing in your eyes. "But don't worry darling I'm not going to eat you." Your expression immediately relaxed and you sighed a breath of relief. "I-I have really missed you Ellis." Instead of an answer you were met with a pair of warm, slightly bloody, lips. He let you pull back for air, and once you got your air back you crushed with a hug, a long with cuddling afterwards.
After this all happened he became your protecter, traveling with you every where you went and you were never lonley again.

I tried.

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