old shoes

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BEAUTIFUL OLD SOUL page one, 1982-1988

Comfortable as a well-worn shoe
Adorn with a heart of gold, and a good old soul.
Easily swayed, to stroll the town, just to clown around.
Likes to promenade her old brown suede. [penny loafers]

Oh how I will always love,
That old comfy Shoe,
From the time She was new.
She will always be, a comfort to me.

Before I ever thought to ask
I vowed to fix, without a hitch, that old Shoe,
If She was ever in need, of a stitch or two.
Love to rub her toes just because, or to soothe her woes.

She bought new aglets to dress the old laces.
Mated and bound our eyelets, in just all the right places.
Unwittingly I betide by her plot, to tie the knot.
When I asked for her hand in life, to be my wife.

Vows untended. Demons kept hidden
A stitch not mended.
And Yet, Of all intended,
Debts remain unmended.

Did I not realize, before:
I wore a tiny hole in Her only Soul, I plea.
It had to be me. Got too relaxed, I'm guessing.
Maybe I needed to get axed, you ask?

Should have paid more to attention.
The whole hole, I own. Procrastinate the date.
I know no excuses, for being so late.
The tiny hole has grown too Great.

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