Humanities Strongest...

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Levi's POV

"Captain!! CAPTAIN!! What do we do, sir?!" I heard Jean's shaky voice yell from my left as a titan was closing in on our right. I could smell the blood on its burning flesh as its mouth opened wide, threatening to penetrate the entire right half of our formation. I cut my eyes in the direction of the titan watching the faces of the cadets as they stared in horror.

"Mikasa, take it out!" I yelled without looking back, whipping the reins of my horse roughly, willing it to move faster. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, the blood rushing to my ears but I kept my emotions in check. I suddenly heard the titan fall to the ground, sending vibrations pulsing through my body as a giant cloud of warm steam erupted from the corpse. "Good work."

I looked behind me then, locking my eyes with (Y/N), taking in her serious expression as her (E/C) eyes were set forward, taking in every inch of our terrain. She must have felt my stare because she quickly broke her concentration and looked at me, a small smile etching its way across her delicate face. I nodded my head in acknowledgement before returning my gaze to the situation ahead of us. Suddenly I was thrown from my horse, landing harshly on my side, my body rolling until my back connected with a rock, bringing me to a harsh but abrupt stop. I pushed myself up, wrapping my arm around my side in an attempt to stop the pain. I looked around and saw that most of the formation was broken, dust was pushed up in threatening clouds and there were horses running around in panic, their riders thrown from their backs. My ears were ringing and my vision was blurry as I attempted to look around, searching the field for survivors.

I felt my blood run cold in my veins as the dust settled, revealing a twenty-meter abnormal crouched on all fours. It's head darted around in multiple directions, searching. It jumped into the air at least fifty meters, bringing its body down on top of Armin's horse, crushing it and Armin beneath its weight. He never even had time to scream...

I watched in terror as it lifted Armin's lifeless body up to its mouth and dropped him inside, swallowing him instantly. I attempted to push myself up from the ground, but immediately fell as a sharp pain shot through my entire body, making my head spin and my vision falter.

"(Y/N), DON'T DO IT! IT'S AN ABNORMAL!!" The sound of her name broke through my fog, forcing my eyes to focus. I frantically looked around, searching for her. I spotted her as she flew through the air, her 3DM anchors secured into the titans shoulder. I wanted to yell to her, to tell her to run, to stop, but when I opened my mouth, no sound came out.

I managed to stand up, but I was weak, I took one labored step after another in attempts to get closer, to try and help. I saw as Eren and Jean came from out of nowhere. Eren had blood running down his forehead leaving a crimson trail down his neck down onto his white shirt, and Jean was missing his left hand, blood was flowing freely from the wound. Fuck.

Suddenly the titan turned and swatted Jean with the back of its hand, sending him crashing into the ground where he laid limply, his body contorted in an unnatural position. I heard (Y/N) scream out as tears filled her eyes, rage taking over her entire body.

"Don't do this, (Y/N)! It's too strong." I felt my lips form the words as she looked at me, her face going blank as she halted her movements. "NO!! (Y/N)!!! WATCH OUT!!" I reached my hand forward as if I could stop what was taking place.

I watched as the titan took (Y/N) into its palm and wrapped its hands around her body tightly, blood spewing from between her lips, covering her face as screams erupted from her throat.

I pushed forward then, ignoring the sharp pains that were shooting through my entire body. I balled my hands into fists until my knuckles were white, trying to ignore the pain. I ran to her, wrapping my fingers around my triggers, and shooting my anchors into the titan's hand pulling myself closer to her. I brought my blades above my head and sliced the titan's fingers off, freeing (Y/N) from its grasp. I quickly wrapped my arms around her battered body and jumped off, landing on the ground roughly as Eren sliced the titan's nape. He nodded in my direction as he remounted one of the rogue horses and rode off in the direction of the others.

"(Y/N)! Hey! Look at me dammit." I shook her body roughly begging her to open her eyes. I looked over her frantically, her (S/C) skin was covered with blood as it continued to drip from her mouth, and her (H/C) hair was matted around her face. I watched as her chest rose and fell slowly, bubbles of blood formed at her lips with each breath.

She slowly opened her eyes, looking deeply into mine as she attempted to smile. I felt tears form in my eyes and watched as they fell and land on her bloodied cheek.

"Hey," She coughed viciously, sending blood flying everywhere, "don't cry." She attempted to reach her hand out and touch my face but suddenly screamed out in pain. I felt panic rush over me as I watched her.

"Try to stand up, we need to get out of here." I said to her as I attempted to push her up onto her legs, she nodded gently but didn't move. Panic crossed over her face like wild fire as she looked up to me, tears pouring from her eyes.

"I...I can't move any legs, Levi! I can't move my legs! I CAN'T MOVE THEM!!" She screamed.

"Shhhh, shhhh, it's okay, (Y/N)." I cooed to her as I placed my hand on her cheek again. I could tell she wasn't going to make it as her breath became more and more labored.

"Levi, please hold me tighter." She whispered so low that I could barely hear her. I did as she asked and wrapped my arms tighter around her body, pulling her flush against my chest. The wind began to blow then, making tufts of her (H/C) hair dance across her beaten face. I felt my heart squeeze as she looked up at me, her once glowing (E/C) eyes were beginning to look cloudy.

"I love you, Levi." She said, taking my hand in hers. I felt the familiar vibration of titan footsteps coming from behind. I turned my head then and saw a fifteen-meter titan staring directly at us. I looked to the left and right of the titan, seeing Eren and Mikasa desperately trying to catch up to the beast, Jean's body draped limply over Mikasa's small shoulders, I could see their lips moving but I heard no sound.

The titan was only a few meters away now, its hand reaching towards us readily. I looked back down to (Y/N), her breathing was slow, and her eyes were beginning to droop as her grip on my hand became weak. I leaned down and placed my lips gently against hers, I could feel her kiss me back with what little energy she had left.

"I love you, too, (Y/N)." I whispered into her ear as her hand fell from mine and onto the ground. I looked up right as a shadow casted over my head, engulfing the two of us in darkness.


Hello! And welcome to my very first one shot! I am very excited to start writing these (I actually have a few more already written but I don't want to post them all at once). I am 100% open to suggestions of different one shot ideas and I am taking requests at the moment (however, I do reserve the right to deny a request if needed). These one shots will me a mixture of happy, sad, cheesy, angry, lemon, and so on so don't expect each of the stories to be the same. <3 Thanks again!


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