Neko Levi x Reader

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            "Levi, where are you my sweet boy?" I called out as I sat up in bed, stretching my arms above my head as I looked at the alarm clock on my nightstand. "Jeez, already 9AM? I really need to start setting an alarm or something."

I pushed myself off the bed, walked into the bathroom, flipped on the light, and looked at my reflection. My (H/L), (H/C) hair stuck out in different directions on my head, my (E/C) eyes were dull and the bags beneath them seemed to be more noticeable today than they had yesterday. I pulled out my hairbrush and attempted to tame my while mane when the familiar jingle of a bell sounded from the floor.

"There you are my sweet prince." I leaned down and rubbed Levi's soft head, hearing him purr happily as I did. "Are you hungry?" I giggled as Levi let out a symphony of high-pitched meows until I filled up his food bowl.

"I love you my handsome man." I cooed as I brushed his soft, black fur as he ate. As he finished I walked over to the shower and turned it on, letting the water warm up as I took my clothes off and placed them into the hamper. I stepped into the shower and let the warm water run over my body, loosening my tight muscles as I cleaned myself.

After I was finished I got out, dried myself off and wrapped my bathrobe around my body before making my way into the kitchen, Levi following closely behind me.

"What should I have for breakfast?" I asked Levi as he jumped onto the counter and watched me intensely. I opened up the fridge and began to inspect the contents. "I have milk, which means I can make cereal, I have eggs and bacon, or I have fruit. What do you think?" Levi meowed at me once and I nodded my head in understanding. "Cereal, good choice."

I pulled out the milk and placed it on the counter next to him while I grabbed a bowl and box of cereal. I poured the ingredients into the bowl and walked over to the kitchen table, sat down, and began to eat. Levi jumped into my lap and I absentmindedly rubbed behind his ear, feeling his warm body vibrate against my thighs while I scrolled through Instagram.

"Oh shit!" I said as I finally noticed the time. "Levi, I have to get ready or I am going to be late, fuck." I jumped up from the table, threw my hair into a quick ponytail, changed into my favorite (F/C) tank top and jean shorts before quickly running out the door to work.


"Ugh. I am so fucking tired." I groaned as I pushed the door to my apartment closed and threw down my bag. "Levi, I'm home." I exclaimed as I removed my shoes and let my now dry hair down feeling a sense of relief as it cascaded down my back. Levi came running from the back of the house and to the front door, rubbing his face against my legs affectionately.

"Awe, did you miss me?" I picked him up and hugged him close to my chest as I walked back to the bedroom. I placed him down gently onto the bed and began to remove my clothes replacing them with my pjs.

"You won't believe the day that I have had, Levi. This guy came in and he wanted to show me his tattooed asshole. First off, why? Second off, do I look like an asshole kind of girl?" I looked at him with my hands on my hips; he looked deeply into my eyes and let out a long meow in response. "See you get it!" I laughed as I reached out and rubbed behind his ear before climbing into bed and wrapping myself in my blanket.

"You know, I really wish you were a real person, Levi, it's like you are the only one who really understands." I said as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


I woke up the next morning and stretched my legs and arms out wide but as I did so I came in contact with something. I turned over fully expecting to see a still sleeping Levi and was face to face with a my bed...wait a second...

Levi x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now