When Doves Cry (2)

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The past three days at Degrassi Haven't gone well for Gabby. She walked into school hoping that everyone forgot about the article. When she got to her locker, Malcolm was there giving her a warm, friendly smile.

Malcolm: Hey Gabby, You seem in a better mood today.

Gabby was putting her stuff in her locker: That's because no one has asked me about that dumb article in the grapevine. Maybe now I can finally lay low.

While Gabby was finishing putting her books away, A girl was walking towards Gabby having a pamphlet in her hand.

Malcolm: I think you spoke too soon.

Gabby: Why? -Gabby would turn around and see the girl-

Random Girl: Gabriella, You didn't give me an answer to my invitation on joining the debate team.

Gabby: I thought it was self-explanatory that I didn't want to join. -Gabriella would close her locker and proceed to walk away-

The girl would run towards her chasing her: But I've seen the article, and I know you have more than enough experience with the skills that the Debate league has.

Gabriella slowly turned around: Look I'm tired of people bothering me about this stupid article. I didn't even agree with it being submitted.

Random girl: Really? If that's true, then you can file a complaint with Mr. Raditch that the grapevine submitted it without your consent. They can get in major trouble for that -The girl would walk away-

Gabby would turn to Malcolm.

Malcolm: Did you hear that?

Gabby: Yea, But as much as I want that article taken down, I don't want to get anyone in trouble.

Malcolm: Why not? Liberty wrote an article without your permission and then submitted it for the entire school to see, I think you, telling Radich is more than reasonable.

Gabriella would look down at the ground thinking about what she should do.


After talking with Gabby, Malcolm met Toby and J.T in the cafeteria, While they were getting lunch Malcolm had asked J.T about him and Paige.

Malcolm: So how's your attempt to wow Paige over working for you.

J.T: It's getting there. -J.T would stutter over his words-

Toby: That means it's still a big N O -Toby would say, turning his head and giggling.-

J.T: No, It means that she hasn't quite realized yet that she and I would make a fantastic couple.

Malcolm: In what universe?

J.T would give a side glare to Malcolm's comment.

J.T: Paige Michalchuk and I will go out this year. It may take a little time, but—

Paige would then call J.T name.

Paige: J.T.

J.T, Toby and Malcolm then looked over at Paige a little shocked.

J. T: Uh, hey Paige. To what do we owe this pleasure? This honour? This uh-

Toby would then elbow J.T to make him quiet. Paige would then walk over to the other side of J.T.

Paige: I just wanted to apologize...for the other day when you asked me out. Sorry.

Malcolm: Wow, the ice queen apologizes, that's new.

Degrassi: The Next Generation: Season two (With my little twist)Where stories live. Discover now