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"We're meeting this boy Vera Ann." Jamie Copeland asserted herself as she stood in the doorway of the sibling's shared bathroom. One of Steven's dirty wrestling shirts was cupped in her hand. The print of Forks generic lettering gracing in white tips. 

"Why did you tell her?" Vera hissed to the tall figure behind her mother's shoulder. Steven gave a mocking shrug as he turned his back on the female. Vera had anticipated Steven being mad for her involvement with Sam, who he had once threatened. But the boy had seemingly forgotten all the drama that had erupted. It was no surprise to Vera who knew her brother supported whatever choice she made. Though part of her was still stunned that he wouldn't go against her word.

"Vera, do not ignore me."

"I'm not ignoring you Mom. I'm getting ready, for a date." That end word crumbled off her lips, Vera could hardly remember the last time she went to the movies, let alone a date. "He's going to be here soon." She continued brushing off the past movie date with Isabella Swan, the growing distaste for the girl. 

"Dana, tell our daughter that we're meeting her boyfriend-"

"We're not together together mo-"

"Tell her!" Jamie moved after Vera, her voice refusing to lower as the teenager passed her father at the end of the stairs. 

"I think she knows dear." Dana only replied, removing his coat as he placed it over the island chair. Jamie was rushing through the kitchen, grabbing a wine glass in her flurry. "It's because she had the entire day to herself. I told her that we should be down at the shop together at least four of the six days we're open." He murmured to his oldest child. Vera knew her parents agreement over their business. Mom worked Monday and Tuesdays, Dad Wednesday and Saturdays. Fridays and Thursdays were the days the couple shared. Splitting their clientele between themselves. 

"I don't need to be at the shop all day to be calm! Or tired!" Jamie rebutted, glaring at her husband as she poured the glass of purple wine. The liquor sloshing into the clear container. 

"I beg to differ." He encaptured his own glass, carefully sipping. His blue eyes found his daughter's. "Anyways, this Sam, is he a changed man?" Dana could remember the last time the boy had been around the house. The utter dismay of the ordeal was nearly unforgettable. 

"Yes Dad. I wouldn't be with him if he was." The heavy knock on the door awoke the family. Jamie moved quickly, covering ground in such an astounding pace that Vera wondered how her wine had not been splayed over the tile. 

"Hello Samuel." She gracefully spoke, brown eyes suddenly taking in the built male. She turned to Vera with wide eyes before giving her daughter a wink. "I see why she's been getting her heartbroken."

"Mom-" Vera grabbed onto her mother's shoulder, eyeing Sam who wore a white t-shirt, and tan cut off shorts. Cheap sneakers were tied at his feet, no doubt a replacement for ones lost in a shift. 

"It's okay, Mrs. Copeland, it's so nice to finally meet you." He pushed the warm expression onto his face, running a hand through his messy hair. 

"I wish I could-"

"Hello Sam, nice seeing you around the house." Dana Copeland came behind his wife and daughter, snaking a hand around his wife's waist, and calming down her erratic behavior. 

"Nice to see you as well Mr.Copeland."

"You can just call me Dana, the whole town does." He smiled toward the native boy, putting his best behavior into effect. 

"Of course."

"Steven come say hello to Vera's boyfriend!" Dana called, as her brother looked through the kitchen to the guest. 

"Sup." Steven nodded, trying to come off as carefree. Vera rolled her blue eyes pushing herself toward the door, and latching her arm through Sam's. 

"We'll be back, a simple movie, maybe some diner food. The end." Vera explained the events of the evening as her father nodded, and disappeared back toward the kitchen. No doubt with a ready of words about her brother's bad boy remark. 

"Be safe anyways. You can just never tell, especially with the cute boys I've seen come in-"


"I love you sweetie!" Vera closed the door turning the two of them to face Sam's beat up brown truck. It had all the character that Sam exhibited to Vera. A middle aged spirit trapped in a small town. But with a nice body. 

"That was-"

"Wait for it, she's not done yet." Vera glanced back to the window, Sam opening his passenger door before looking at the window as well. Jamie Copeland peering with a wine glass and wave at the pair. 

"Oh dear god."

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