Chapter 8~I'm falling for Justin...

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-Still Your P.O.V.-

Me and Justin headed home. When we arrived, I saw a car there that I haven't seen before. Me and Justin got out the car and I walked up the steps and knocked on the door. I saw Ryan open the door.

Me:OMG Ryan

I hugged him. I haven't seen him in ages.

Ryan:Hey (YN)

Justin:Hey bro

Ryan:Hey dude

I saw them do their handshake. Me and Justin walked in the house. I walked into the living room and saw Chaz.

Me:Long time no see

Chaz:I know

Me and Chaz hugged each other. Justin and Chaz did their handshake.

Me:Where's Jason and Jasmine?

Chaz:Oh your mum took them to the park for a while

I nodded my head. I sat down and Justin sat down next to me.

Ryan:How's everything going between you two then?

Justin:Getting there

Chaz:So, are you dating or?

Justin:At the moment, we ain't, but, I hope to soon though

I saw him look at me when he said the last part and he smiled. Am I falling for Justin again?

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