Chapter 1

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Hey everyone, a few months ago I found a comment on YouTube under one of Toby's videos saying that people shouldn't bring up Felix on his channel. Then that person created a three sentence story about the Brodience and I just had to make this. I never got around to writing it but finally did. So enjoy the final making of it!


"Anne!" I heard my mom yell my name.

"Yes mom?" I shouted from my room.

"Come here now!" I stood up from my computer desk and quickly made my way down the stairs.

"Yes mom?" I walked into the kitchen and saw her putting on her jacket and grabbing her purse. She walked to the mirror by the front door and messed with her hair a little.

"I'm going out on a date tonight and I won't be back until late, so I need you to watch the brats. If anything goes wrong, the neighbors' house number is on the fridge. Don't bother me tonight." and with that she left.

Ugh, sometimes she sickens me. Going after every chance she has to get together with some random guy she recently met since our father left. Sometimes she'll leave for a few days and not tell anyone, so now we contact our neighbors when we have an emergency because our own mother won't pick up the phone, unless you're a guy she could try and get into your pants.

My sisters and I haven't had a decent role model for years on end. Quite frankly, I don't really mind it but my sisters try and look up to my mom and be like her. Huge disaster they're going to get themselves into. We haven't had contact with our father. After what our mother did, I wouldn't want to be apart of anything that had to do with her either.

I went back upstairs and went onto netflix, hoping no one would interrupt me.

"Torey! Give it to me!" There it is. My little sisters flipping shit over stupid little things. I walked into Torey's room to set them straight. "Torey!" I stood at the doorway and watched my tween sisters fight over their computer.

"Can you please keep your noisy racket down?" I spoke, annoyed. "I'm trying to watch Netflix, so shut. your. pie. holes." I grimly smiled.

"Maybe we would if Torey wasn't a computer hog! It's my turn to watch what I want to watch!"

"Nicole is lying! I haven't had the computer at all. Its my turn!" Torey and Nicole gave each other the death glare and it didn't break until I spoke up.

I walked towards them while they had their little stare down and took the laptop. "Now neither of you get to watch anything until you play nice and figure out who's turn it is." They both looked at me with dread in their eyes.

"WHAT!?!" They both said in unison.

"You heard me. You guys fight way too much when it comes down to who is watching YouTube on the laptop. So you're going to stop all of that right now." I made sure they understood.

"Its not my fault that Nicole has an unhealthy obsession with that stupid gamer, PewDiePie." Nicole rolled her eyes.

"Oh come on. You're no better when it comes to that annoying man child, Tobuscus." They both started to get really pissed really quick.

"You're just jealous because that loser Tobuscus isn't fabulous like Pewds." They continued on and on and on.

"Toby is way better!"

"No Pewds is!"

"Since this obviously isn't going anywhere, I say we get Annie's vote. Who ever she says is better surely is better than the other. Don't worry Nicole, winning isn't everything." They both looked at me with impatience.

"So who do you think is better?" asked Nicole.

"As much as I'd love to join your little fight, not really, I can't say either of them are better than the other."

"Ha I win! Beat that Torey -- wait what?! You have to choose one. You can't choose both!"

"Who said I couldn't? Its not the end of the world for being a part of the Brodience."

"The what?" They both looked at me with confusion.

"The Brodience. You know, the people who favor both of them at the same level. Being apart of the Bro Army and the Audience."

"That's the stupidest thing ever! No one could possibly like them both the same amount! Toby is obviously way cuter and how could you not like him more?" Torey started laughing and eventually Nicole joined in too.

"You do realize they're friends right? Look, I think it's time I tell you a story."

"Wow, great way to change the subject." Nicole spat.

"This story is about two kings who ruled neighboring kingdoms a long long long time ago. King Tobuscus and King PewDiePie were highly respected kings with many followers. They had everything you could ever want, except when it came to being the best king with the most fabulous kingdom."

"Obviously, it was PewDiePie." Nicole chuckled, with a matter of factly attitude.

"They always tried outdoing the other by receiving rare items or giving things to their followers. Once one did something large and great the other quickly got news and destroyed their fame for the moment they had it. Eventually, as their quarrel went on, things became violent. One king would send his troops to ransack the kingdom markets during the night, riding of the night guards in the kingdom. Finally, the last straw was pulled and the two kingdoms went to war."

"Yeah, see were your opinion puts you. Your PewDiePie seemed to have started a war." Torey sassed.

"They sent all of their troops into battle and eventually started sending the male citizens once the troops seemed to be losing. The male children who were old enough were sent into this war to fight as well. The kings only worrying about their ranking. Though their followers were scared, they trusted their leaders and fought till there was nothing left. The war went on for several days, and when their armies began getting small, the kings themselves went to war."

"I already know how this is going to turn out. King PewDiePie wins the war, defeating all of his enemies." Nicole said, smirking.

"Shut up, Its obviously going to be King tobuscus who wins." Torey spoke nudging Nicoles arm.

"They easily made their way through the crowd of men and children, being they were skilled swordsmen themselves. Once they got closer to the climax of the fight things began getting harder. Enemies surrounding them everywhere. King Tobuscus And King PewDiePie were knocked out cold in the middle of the battle field during the fight."

"Oh no." They both breathed.

"When they awoke, they found themselves alone with one another covered in blood from the fallen men surrounding them. All of their troops, male civilians, and young children didn't make it through the war. All this blood was on the two kings hands over selfishness. They both thought about finishing the other off but found that maybe there had been enough blood spilled these few days. King tobuscus dropped his sword and fell to his knees realizing how stupid he had been. King PewDiePie made his way over to King Tobuscus and looked around himself. The kings looked at each other with regret plastered on their face. King PewDiePie had reached his hand out and King Tobuscus took it in his own. The two kings made a treaty to never again try to out do the other and join kingdoms. Happily ever after. Now shut up about who is better and keep your freaking opinions to yourselves if you have nothing nice to say!"

They both looked at me shocked them looked at each other, then back at me. I handed them the laptop back. "Now play nice." With that, I went back to my own room.

I didn't hear anything after that. Once it started getting really late I went to go tell the girls to go to sleep. When I walked in the room, I found them on Nicoles bed, sitting next to each other, sound asleep. Their laptop was resting on one of their legs each. There was a video playing so I picked up the laptop and paused it. Before I closed the browser I noticed they were on a playlist, recently made it seems.

I smiled as I shut the laptop down and put a blanket over them. One problem fixed, many others to go.

"Welcome to the Brodience you two."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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