Entry #100

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Entry #100

So Ive married the man of my dreams, we sort of grew up together. I don't know why he didn't marry me sooner. Just kidding. I have known the best person to ever exist for nearly eleven years and I couldn't be more grateful for that opportunity.

Im looking forward to spending the rest of our years together hopefully adopting a few kids maybe a puppy. Although he really wants a cat. We can get a dog and a cat but he's cleaning out the litter box and Ill take the dog out. Soon we'll adopt kids and they'll be my little dog walking slaves. Mwahaha. We wont do any of that too soon unless he really wants to though. I want to spend a while soaking up being married and find a nice big house with a nice big garden thats fenced in. Futures looking bright kids!

I suppose I haven't talked to him about any of this yet. We briefly brought up the topic of kids a few years ago but haven't done it since. I still fucking want a baby though. Nialls always teasing me.

This will be my last Entry Henry, this is your last page. Ill miss you, you brought joy to my life and left me a place to vent. I did forget about you for a long time but I knew I wanted to save this last page for something special and this is definitely it. Im no longer a teenager who needs paper and a pen to vent. I have my beautiful wonderful husband to talk to now, even if I have to talk and vent about him I tend to just write it out in a text and send it to him, when he gets home from work he usually makes us sit down and talk it through, then we spend the rest of the night cuddling.

I couldn't imagine life without him. He is my life, my world, my Home.

P.S. Im sorry that theres a few tear drops on you now and that you'll warp.

P.S.S. I'll miss you Henry. Thank you.

-Louis Tomlinson-Styles

Harry decided he couldn't just leave it at that. He turned the last page and grabbed a pen.

Hi Henry its Harry. Thank you for taking care of my Lou all of these years. I promise I will continue taking care of him now for the rest of our lives. You've helped him through a lot and Im very grateful for that. Thank you!
-Lou's idiot husband Harry

Harry closed the small book tears now drying to his face slightly. He looked over at his husband and engulfed him in a big tight hug. He was grateful that Louis had shown him the journal, yet sad at the things Louis had to go through. He had already been told about all of it but reading what he felt during the time it was all going on was so much more sad. He was alright now though and thats all that mattered.

And if later after their hug Louis brought up getting a puppy and Harry laughed and gently hit Louis over the head with his diary. Then no one has to know.

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