Chapter 2

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Mark awoke the next day to a strange feeling, his cock was being bathed in a warm, wet, suction feeling. It felt wonderful unlike anything he had ever felt. Then suddenly he had a feeling not unlike having to having to take a piss, then he felt as is he was pumping pee out, but not quite. It had a more wonderful feeling than that, then as suddenly as it started it was gone. Not thinking too much on it as he thought it was a dream he drifted back deeper into sleep.

Stirring awake a few hours later, Mark looked over at Nissie, What the fuck?!!!!! She was stark naked! Mark scrambled out of bed and tried not to stare at the naked woman in the bed, but try as he could, he couldn't seem to take his eyes off her breasts as she breathed. Looking over her whole body, he didn't see a blemish anywhere, the skin was smooth, her nipples rose proudly from her 34 c breasts, her stomach was flat, her muscle tone was that of an athlete, her proportions were almost perfect. Mark had to admire the way she was put together, her design was such that she got optimal use of all her parts.

Nissie stirred and rolled over reaching for Mark, it was the first time in years she had had anyone in her bed. She had missed having someone to snuggle up next to. As she reached all she found was an empty side of the bed.

Startled her eyes snapped open as she scanned the room for Mark. Ah, there he was but that look he had on his face almost as if he were analyzing her as he would a machine. Propping up on her elbow she stared back at Mark as he took in her whole body.

"Do you like what you see?" she started.

"You are well put together, it appears that you have very good tone to your body." He replied as he couldn't believe he was talking to a naked woman, let alone one who said that she belonged to him.

"I don't bite you can inspect me if you wish, I am yours after all." She said shyly. Shaken, Mark looked at her with a look of pain on his face. "I told you yesterday, I do not want a slave."

"I realize that, but by the king's orders, I am now yours, I have no say in it and as a citizen of all empires and kingdoms you can not refuse. I looked into it before I agreed to this, when I brought it up to the king." She stated matter of factly.

Mark was at a loss for words she was right he had also looked it up and then beyond looking for any loophole to get out of owning another living being.

Sighing Mark took her hand, "I want you to get dressed, we are going to see the king. You will tell him all that I have to say, since you are now my assistant."

"First, I want him to know I am angry at him for all this." Mark held up his hand to quiet her, "I know why he did it, I can appreciate why, I don't have to like it but I can appreciate it. He and you," Mark looked directly at her, "should have made provisions for this before you entered into a contract with me. Second, I am still expecting payment from him and am using you as collateral until such time as he has it. Third, you are not my... ," Mark paused here to get his words correct, "slave per say you are my ... personal assistant to take care of me and assist in any thing I do. Fourth, I will NOT stay here, I have contracts with nearby systems and I will not break them, I have the repair bots working and all protection is in place, plus a few surprises I added."

Mark took a deep breath, his jaw was tired, he wasn't used to talking this much and he didn't think he would ever get used to it. Nissie jumped up as Mark eyed her as she smoothly moved about the room getting dressed, Mark admired the way she flowed about the room. Making their way to the now almost new looking throne room. Mark stood back as Nissie told the king all of the things that Mark had said in her bedroom.

At first the king was not happy but one look at Mark, plus the warning from Nissie about the removal of either the kingdom or all the repairs that Mark had made, quieted him very quickly. Setting his Jaw he reached for Mark's hand, "I wanted to apologize for earlier this week, I was unaware at that time, that there was a difference between an engineer and a maintenance man, please forgive me." As he bowed to Mark and Mark's mouth dropped agape and he in turn bowed to the king to show his appreciation for the king's heart felt apology.

Leaving the small palace, Mark looked back as he saw that indeed it looked one thousand times better, it actually had started to look like a place that royalty would live in. As they walked on he saw that the surrounding area was also starting to look better, as he had the bots slowly move out from the palace repairing everything that wasn't dangerous or a weapon. Making their way to the space port, Mark had already booked a room on the liner (It was offered for free as long as he looked at everything before they left orbit) and was led on board through a little known entrance. After inspecting everything and repairing a small junction that was about to go bad he was led to a master suite and left there with Nissie who had been taking notes the whole time.

"I have a question for you" Nissie started as they were alone for the first time since that morning. "What do I call you? It is customary for all slaves to call their owners master and... ,"

"No," Mark cut her off, "you may call me Mr. Mark. I DO NOT want to be called master, I may own you but I don't have to like it ok?"

"Yes Mr. Mark," she replied, as she looked down at the floor, she knew what was expected of her if it were a regular man. With Mark, he was genuinely concerned about her, wanted to know what she thought. He even took in what she said considering her ideas to have merit, laughing she felt more like a sister than a slave to him.

The ship lifted with no problem, as they were on their way to the next system. Heading to the door, Mark's wrist com went off. Sighing damn, just left the planet and he was already calling him.

"Hello Mark, may I speak to Nissie please? I have a slight problem here." Mark just shook his head and handed another wrist com from his pocket to Nissie."This one is yours to help with orders and him as you were his only advisor."

Looking at Mark, she was startled that he thought of her like this. "Your Majesty" she started as she moved away.

Mark waited til she was done before he led them out to the dining room. Arriving there, Mark noticed that there seemed to be a problem, walking in a waiter rushed up to them and said that the dining room was closed for now, the kitchen wasn't operating properly. Mark sighed as he pushed past the waiter and entered the kitchen. The cook started to ask who he was, but recognized him from pictures he had seen from the company briefs. He backed away and pushed the others out of the kitchen, as Mark looked around spotting first one then two other problems and had the kitchen back up in less than twenty minutes.

Mark thought that this sector was stupid, how in the hell did they survive out here? They couldn't repair anything, yet they had some of the more modern equipment with the programs to boot. Mark, just sighed as he sat and the cook thanked him for being as smart as he was and making life better for him. Mark told him what the problem had been, as the cook wrote all this down for later reference. Mark told him he needed to share all this with anyone that cooked so that they to could also know how to fix the problem. After they had eaten they were walking to their room when the captain approached them.

"I just received this communique from the main office at headquarters, again you have their thanks and they said that another fifty thousand credits had been added to your account at central." As he started to walk away he stopped and walked back to them.

"I also wanted to thank you, the food on board has improved. The cook said this was the first time in a long time that the whole kitchen actually worked, since he came on board."

Mark just nodded, as he walked past to his and Nissie's room.

"By the way I had a very strange dream the other day Nissie," he started as he watched her reaction ."I was asleep and I felt my cock being washed in a warm tightness, care to tell me what that was?"

Nissie blushed as she took a deep breath, "Yes, that was me. I thought you might want me to wake you up by sucking your morning hard on. You were so exhausted that you didn't wake up, you just came in my mouth." Nissie got a huge smile, "it was delicious, I want to do it again but I know I will need your permission from now on."

Mark wasn't surprised as he thought that it had seemed more real than a dream. Thinking about it for a moment, "you really enjoyed that? You want to do it again?" He asked surprised that he could ask her and not be embarrassed.

Nissie, vigorously shook her head as she reached for his pants, "May I?"

"Yes, slowly, this is the first time I will ever be awake for this." Nissie nodded as she undid and slid pants and jockeys off taking his nine inch cock into her mouth.

As it responded to her gentle stroking and licking of the underside, Mark looked down at the beauty. She had a dream like look on her face, but was even more surprised when she took his whole length down her throat. Groaning in pleasure, he felt her throat muscles begin to massage his cock deep in her. Moving faster and faster he began to feel a build up of pressure, then he felt a tingling in his balls. Nissie looked up at him and gently squeezed his balls he exploding deep in her throat as she swallowed every drop.

Mark was amazed at what had just happened, he had never felt anything like it in his life, he knew at that moment that Nissie would never be just a slave to him. Pulling Nissie up to the bed, he told her he wanted to learn how to pleasure her, as much as she had him. Nissie was amazed also, Mark wanted to please her? What was going on? She was his slave even though he didn't say she was, she knew she had to do everything that he wanted her to do, without question.

Shedding her clothes, Nissie climbed on the bed and laid back spreading her legs as mark crawled between them, looking in Mark got his first look at a pussy, as Nissie pointed out each part and he nodded his head as she did.

"You can also taste them too," she said as he moved closer. "Not too hard, gently lick and suck, it will give a woman more pleasure if you aren't rough unless she wants it that way." Mark again nodded as he began to lick her entire slit, the odor was very pleasant to him and then he thought the taste was extremely satisfying. Nissie began to thrash around on the bed, as Mark moved closer and closer to her sensitive clit. Barely brushing it the first time she tensed up as her orgasm took her over and Mark stopped, thinking he had hurt her as she went stiff.

"Don't stop! Oh my god, don't stop! Please Mark keep going, it feels so damn good!" She screamed out as her second orgasm took her over.

Mark was afraid that he had hurt her, he only wanted to make her feel as good as she had made him feel. He was surprised that she begged him to keep going, as she had stiffened moments ago as if she were in great pain. Nissie's breathing and his own finally returned to normal, as Mark rose from between her legs and laid next to her cuddling her close as she fell asleep exhausted.

Two days and many orgasms later, they were at the next system, Mark and Nissie still hadn't had sex, in the way that he was still a virgin not having fucked Nissie yet. Departing the ship, they both went to the capital building on a lift.

"This place is worse than the planet you and the king were on, can't anyone in these systems repair anything, I expected there to be some machines broken down, but not this much!" As he looked around it appeared that there was nothing working at all. Walking in they were greeted by a mousey little man. "First of all," Nissie addressed the man for Mark, "you should know that if you don't have the money to pay Mr. Mark, he owns what ever he wants as compensation"

The man's face dropped as he whispered to Nissie, she looked at Mark.

"They have about three fourths of the money," Mark thought about it and whispered to Nissie.

"Mr. Mark says that he can fix the main computer and most of the repair bot systems, other than that, if he does more and you can't pay him, then YOU will be in breach of contact. He said that the extra cost would have him owning most of the planet, the systems he will fix will slowly get you back on your feet, Do you accept?" Nissie said.

The man nodded his head and led them to the main comp room. Mark was surprised, the repairs weren't as bad as he thought, then he saw the tale-tell signs that there had been another maintenance man here at one time. He 'dobviously had been a top notch one, there were patches here that Mark was in envy of, as he studied them to learn even more of his craft that he had never seen.

Walking out after only a few minutes, the comp was at full power and working beautifully. Mark watched as the lights came on and a few of the repair bots began to repair the walls, two servant bots hummed to life and updated for a few seconds then looked at them and led them to their room. Mark told the bots he wanted to see the man they had met when they first arrived. The man was there within minutes thanking him for fixing the main city comp, already life was getting back to normal for the first time in a year.

"Where is the Maintenance man that repaired the comp before?" Mark inquired, "he did excellent work"

"Sadly, he passed away almost a year ago, it was he that told us to contact you and make a contract with you." The man said as a tear fell from his eye, "he was a great man, this place wouldn't have lasted as long as it had without him. A few of his students kept us running til the last left three months ago to go to the school back on the empire world."

Mark just nodded, he had heard about a great man, one of the best, that had been doing what he was trying to do help all and trying to service as many machines as he could. A repair bot went past him repairing at a rapid speed almost as fast as Mark had set the ones in the king's planet to be, the room was looking almost new in no time as it went out the door to its next assignment. "So far I haven't done as much as I thought I would have to. We need to get new parts for the comp and bots so they last a lot longer and I now know of a program where they can repair themselves."

The man nodded as they left the room and Mark looked at the better walls and ceiling.

Since there wasn't as much to repair as he thought, Mark was done with most of the major repairs in two days, the city was now humming to life and had started to spread to the surrounding cities of the planet. He estimated that the whole planet would be back to normal in a week. After installing the new parts in the comp, it was now the most modern thing on the planet, he was now able to receive progress reports on every thing that he had touched to repair, so far all of them were good. The investigation on the ship had revealed, that another student that had failed out the last year with mark, had been targeting Mark to get rid of him as he was the only one that could keep him out of the trade, and had vowed revenge. Mark laughed, the ass hadn't even tried to hide the sabotage on the ship, Mark was glad he'd gotten the idiot drummed out, he gave all in the trade an extremely bad name.

The week up, they departed, Mark making last minute checks telling a few people that he had employed what to check for and how to repair them. Tallying up everything, mark had cut the cost to only fifteen hundred credits, he hadn't had to do that much and the man had gotten the parts within two days. Taking a last look out the window, he saw that the city was looking more modern and was actually looking like a place where one might want to live. Nissie took his hand and led him to their room, (once again it was provided for as long as he went to do checks) changing clothes they went below, Mark checking each system one by one, being extremely critical in his check of the shields, engines, life support, and reactors.

Mark wasn't sure, but he had a feeling that the creep wasn't through trying to kill him, though Mark had far more knowledge than he had before, he had learned a few tricks that he was sure, would more than come in handy later on in the different jobs he still had to do. As he suspected, he found that the reactor had been set to explode a day from the planet, a plasma feed fed directly to the room that had been assigned to him, would have killed him and Nissie and no one else. The little bastard was getting smarter now that they were on to him. Trying not to let it show, Mark felt the rage build in him as he went through each check again, cursing when he found a second and third system that had backed up the reactor, had also been set to explode killing everyone and destroying the ship.

Three hours later, Mark released the ship to go, he'd had to go over every system on the ship, finding something wrong with each one. Then Mark checked the logs and saw a downloaded update for the ship, but it had been from the saboteur. As Mark traced the signal he found that it originated from central, so the bastard was there and knowing him as mark did, he wasn't going to move soon or bring any attention to his self. Mark took a small comp from his room and downloaded a program into the ships main frame that would block anything else he tried to do and would spread to all ships, as he had sent it to the company main frame also.

Sighing, He knew that the little bastard wouldn't give up, so Mark contacted the school to get what he needed.

"Hello head Master," he said as an older man came into view, "long time sir."

"It hasn't been that long young man, only a few months now, I am hearing good things about you, I talked to the king the other day and they are finally starting to export that fuzzy fruit I love again ," the older man smiled a broken smile. "I was going to call you but with every thing that has happened with Tantka and all his threats, I haven't had the time."

"I know sir," Mark replied, "That's why I called, I want to use the CEP that we wrote years ago," Mark cringed as he knew what was next.

Surprisingly, the man only nodded as he reached for a report, "I kind of had a feeling that you might, we have researched it further the last few months actually, we have found a way to introduce it, without wiping out the entire planet wide comp system." (CEP= computer elimination program)

"How? The way we wrote it, I have never seen any program or comp that could resist it, it can't be copied without a key and only two people have that, you and I. It can only exist on a comp with a special program you and I wrote and as far as I know no one knows of it, we hid it that deep and left no records." Mark asked.

The man only nodded as Mark listed off each thing, "also don't forget we wrote the self destruct code into it, so no one could find it. I thought you were brilliant with that idea it makes for the ultimate comp destroyer program."

"I have the almost exact location of him but even if we get his comp, he would have back ups in other places and would try again" Mark sighed as he looked at Nissie he mouth agape as she listened, "well there might be three now, headmaster I want you to meet Nissie my uh..."

"I am his slave sir" she rushed out, "at least til the king pays him all he owes him"

Mark blushed a very deep red as the man on the screen chuckled, "I take it he explained he didn't want a slave a woman or company?" he asked.

Nissie only nodded as Mark gave her a harsh look. "I see you haven't changed, by the way your sister and mother were here the day after you left it seems that..."

"I don't want to know, I cuts ties with them many years ago." Mark spat out still feeling the sting of their anger as they had shouted and screamed at him that night.

"This you might want to, it's about your father, he's missing." the older man said.

"What!!!? Since when? No, send me the info," he shouted.

"He's in the system you are headed to" he said, "the info is on the way, take care of this first, then contact me and we'll take care of Tantka." As he sighed, "I am getting too old for this Mark, you wore me out, you were like an empty sponge when you were here, good luck."

Mark finished the anti-hack protection software download, sitting back to plan. Now what had his old man gotten his self into?

The Maintenance Man Book 1.Where stories live. Discover now