The End

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She is looking pleadingly with her eyes and a sad face and said, "I wouldn't have involved Nandini in this if I had any other choice. They somehow known that Nandini is Varsha's friend and they found that she has some clues with her. If I didn't made Nandini to meet them saying she wanted to help them they would have done it in their style blackmailing Nandini or some other thing. They even found that she met me. If I lied to them they will not leave both of us. What options I have other than that? "

I asked her, "How did you plan to save Nandini from them? What if they harmed her after taking the evidences from her?"

She said, "I didn't have exact plan how I was going to save her then but when she said you and another guy is involved in this too I assumed somehow you will save her and catch them. For what I did there is nothing I can do to take that moment back to save Varsha so I accepted my fate that day itself. I would do anything for that one minute in my life to change what happened that day." I felt bad for her she is really concerned for Varsha. She is such a good girl to accept her mistake and to repent it. But what she did is unacceptable. We can't bring Varsha back with her repentance.

She said, "I am sorry Nandini. I know what I did is unforgivable. If you can, please forgive me for doing this. I am so sorry."

They took her away after that. Nandini cried a lot. I will do anything to erase her pain but losing Varsha is such a big blow to her I couldn't replace it or take away that pain. I hugged her and comforted her. Later we met Nandini'd uncle. He asked what we found. I gave him the recorder. He listened to that.

I said, "Sir, what punishment court will give her for that?"

He said, "They may give her death sentence or life imprisonment. We can't say exactly."

I looked at Nandini, she nodded her head. I asked him "Can't we save her by convincing the court what she did is to save Varsha so that the court won't sentence her to death?" He said, "I don't know Manik but I will try my best to prove her guilty conscience using this. Thank you Manik. Without you both this issue wouldn't have been solved. The risk you both took for doing justice for Varsha. I am proud of you both."

I said, "Sir it's our duty to do right thing. Varsha helped us in this. Did you investigate Rajesh what did he say?" He said, "Don't tell anyone that you are involved in investigation there is a chance of his lawyers filing a petition in the court that you created this all and made them to confess that they did this all. Though evidences are against him he can file a wrong suit in court about you both involving in this. Okay?" we both nodded. He continued, "He found about Nandini having Varsha's phone through the fellows he asked to follow Varsha. He also found the cameras Varsha placed at the quarter that's why they changed their place. When he found the cameras he got doubt and asked a guy to find out who is observing them. He came to know about Varsha and her cousin through him. He used Preethi in this. It's similar to what preethi said in that recording. The guy told him that Varsha gave her phone to some other girl. He enquired about that and found about Nandini. They don't know the fact Nandini is not alone in this that she has police protection or the fact that Nandini is against them. He did everything to save himself but he got caught. The role of Dhruv in this is also innocent. Rajesh asked him keys to the farmhouse and he helped them to keep Varsha and Vikram there. Rajesh explained him saying that they both are in danger and need shelter for some days. When Varsha died he explained what happened threatening him saying that they will be in jail if he says anything to anyone. Since Dhruv doesn't know you are the guys behind finding clues it made things easy or it would have been something else."

We have chatted with him for another 10min after making sure Rajesh doesn't get away with this we left. I can't believe Rajesh did this all to protect himself. He used his own cousin like a toy. Because of guys like him justice is denied to innocent people.

After few days we went to the trail of Varsha's case. We gave our witness. Rajesh is given death penalty for involving in murdering Varsha, drug possession and also for kidnapping Vikram and others. The shock on his face seeing Nandini with us is a worthy thing. Nandini's uncle helped in decreasing punishment for Preethi after many arguments. She got seven years prison and Dhruv 5years for helping them in this. I felt sorry for Dhruv. He lost his career, his life and everything. Investigation continued after we submitted evidences as there are more members involved in this with whose support Rajesh did everything. All of them were sentenced. Varsha's parents felt happy as her efforts didn't go waste. I thought they won't support us for doing all this but they thanked us all for doing this and saw that justice is done to Varsha. I felt happy for that but still justice is not done entirely. I took my plans seriously.

After that I started student magazine naming it as Varsha and invited students who are willing to join. Nandini and Cabir are the first ones to join it. We three are partners in it. Many students including elderly people joined us. With all their help we brought many issues into light and we helped as many people as possible. Uncle Kiran, Nandini's uncle helped us a lot in all of this. He asked me to call him as uncle as well. I met Nandini's parents and she met my parents. Both are happy. I proposed her and she accepted. We strived hard for our magazine. I go to Varsha's house thrice a week. Sometimes I will sleep there. They accepted me as their son. Vikram and I became brothers. He is a co-partner in our student magazine as he is still military personnel he will help us whenever it is possible.

4 years later:

The student magazine Varsha is a famous magazine now. We got everybody's support when Varsha's case came into light. After that we started an organization to support families who faced injustice because of illegal activities and lost the lives of their precious ones. We also started a press too naming it Varsha. It is a tribute for her sacrifice, bravery, and her efforts. It's all I can do for everything she did for me, for many people who even don't know her. Because of her I met love of my life, Nandini. She supported me in everything. She completed her law degree and she is now a well established lawyer. I did not join my fathers business like I thought before instead I took care of my organizations, press and student magazine with the help of Nandini, Cabir, Vikram, all of our parents, uncle Kiran and many others. Varsha's parents gave us their full support in this. I am so happy for that though I can't give them Varsha back but this is what I can do for Varsha, for them instead. Vikram now completely involved in all of these activities. He resigned from military though he was given rank as lieutenant. I thank Varsha everyday for giving such a wonderful opportunity to do all these. For giving me brother like Vikram, her parents, Nandini and most of all her presence in my life that day, that changed my entire life. I am not sad that I didn't become successful in music but I am more than happy the way she changed my life. I don't blame fate for changing my life but I thank it for bringing such a wonderful people into my life. I accomplished more than I have ever dreamed of in my life................

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