Actions Speak Louder Than Words

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Chapter One

Tyler's POV

Sitting on the roof of the school relaxing in the sun light, listening to everything around me.

Slight rustling was heard as a boy with long purple hair, which was held in a ponytail, dark purple cat ears which sat atop his head, and a slick black tail sat down on the roof as well and started munching annoyingly loudly from a bag of tortilla chips.

I sit up, listen and try to find where the sound was coming from.  "Who's there"? I shout

"Why you yelling I'm right next to ya". The purple boy said through a mouthful of chips, spitting crumbs at me.

"Because you're so loud, now be quiet and annoy someone else". I say shouting back at the purple haired boy.

He rolled his eyes and flicked his tail at me, then continued munching.

I got up and walked up to the boy with purple hair. "Look kitty I don't like the sun as it is so bother someone else because I ain't gonna be nice anymore".

The boy squinted up at me and quirked his ears up. "The fuck is wrong with you? How am I bothering you, I didn't even say nothing to ya. I was just eating and minding my own business, so kindly fuck off". He said.

I chuckle and smirk. "You were minding your own business by munching on your crisp as loud as a elephant and I'm the lion that if you don't run I will chase after you" I say making my eyes flash red.

"Look here fang boy, If you're looking for some prey to chase, you better look somewhere else cos I'm not scared of you and if you keep bothering me then you're gonna find out that this kitty, has claws". The boy said letting his sharp claws come out.

I smirked. "I can see that but I can do so much more to you, more than you think" I say running towards him and standing right next to the boy with purple hair and chuckle. "Kitty looks kinda cute"

The boy looked a little startled and I swear I saw a faint blush light up his cheeks. "Who you calling cute, I'm not cute. I'm dangerous". He said unconvincingly, trying to edge away from me.

"Well I think you are". Moving closer and wrapping my arms around the boys waist. "so what's your name cutie"

"Er, er I'm erm". He had forgotten his name because he was so focused and on how close I was to him. "V-violet Green". He managed to stuttered out, his blush deepening and he giggled a little.

"Mm cute name for a cute person" smirks and slyly back Violet up against a wall. "Mmm you smell nice" smelling his neck

Violet's purple eyes widened and he gasped. "T-thanks". He said shakily as his arms came up to wrap around my shoulders.

I chuckle and smirk at violet, breathing in his scent, bringing him closer. "Mmm" moans slightly and flashing my eyes red.

Violet let out a little moan and closed his eyes as he tilted his neck to the side, giving me more access to it.

I smirk, kiss Violet's neck gently "mm you like that cutie" I say whispering into his ear

"Mm-hmm". Violet moaned and slid his fingers into my hair.

I smirk even more with my eyes a fiery red with lust.

"Is anyone up here"? I heard someone shout and it made me snap out my lust state.

Violet seemed to have also snapped out of his lust state and he removed his hands from my hair.

"What was I doing"? I said moving away from violet and jumping off the roof and running into the woods.

Violet sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "You have got to stop being so easy". He said to himself.

I ran and stopped to rest up against a tree realising the strange and desirable sensation that came over me when I was close to Violet.

Violet was trying to calm his rapidly beating heart; just the thought of me was making his heart race excitedly.

10 minutes later

I ran back to the school, I arrived back at the school late but I didn't really care what the teachers had to say and I just sat in my sit at the back of the class thinking about earlier and what came over me when I was with Violet.

There was a knock on the door and Violet walked in, he went up to the teacher. The teacher introduced him as the new boy and that he would be joining our class.

I look up at the front of the class and notice Violet and can't help but get a funny feeling in my stomach and smile at him.

Violet smiled back and chose to sit next to me. "Hey". He said, setting his messenger bag on his desk.

"Hey". I say and turn look at Violet with a smile

Violet sighed happily as he secretly checked me out. Violet couldn't focus during the whole of the lesson as he kept on sneaking a peek at me.

I look at violet for a quick second and then back at my work. When I finished the work I was given I left the class because I couldn't stand to be in it anymore.

Violet sighed sadly thinking that I didn't want to be near him anymore.

I ran home and slammed the door and sat behind it as my eyes were flashing bright red with hunger of the sweet scent of... Violet.. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2016 ⏰

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