Oh boy was Stingy excited as he strolled over to Trixie's house. He was read to do the unthinkable. As he approached the house he took out a candy boomerang and threw it through the window. He heard a shriek from inside.
"Oops," he giggled.
Then Stingy dove through the window finding Trixie under her covers shaking. What a little bitch.
"Oh Trixie did I scare you?"
Trixie popped up and stared at Stingy cluelessly.
At the call of his name he jumped onto the bed and smothered her with a pillow. She was shook. His intent wasn't to kill her, just scare her a little. Then he took more chloroform out of his bag and put her to sleep again. After that he carried her to the town hall.
When they got to the town hall he took out his jet pack in order to get up to the sign. Then he took Trixie and strapped her to the sign with garland. And then he took out a big marker and wrote,
"TRUFFLE BUTTER," on her shirt.
He stood back and looked at his masterpiece. Suddenly he thought about Stephanie and how he wanted a piece of that Mc-ass. He flew back up to Trixie and stripped her down. Then he smacked her booty cheeks and thrust his 1.5 inch dicc in her flat paper booty. Her anus made a slurping noise and shit flew out.
"Yummy!" Stingy exclaimed
He took some shit and slurped it down. As he slurped the shit white milky stuff came out of Stingy's dicc. He took it out of Trixie's ass and into her other hole. His dicc exploded with milk. Then he decided he was done with the truffle butter bitch. He left Trixie strapped to the town hall sign with shit and milk covering her.