Chapter 1

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THE WARM sunlight was beating down onto my bed when I woke up. I remembered what today was and threw my blankets off of me. My feet pressed again the wooden floor and I stood up out of my bed to go wake Rye.

"Rye, c'mon its the first day of school we cant be late," I told him as I rocked his shoulder. When i said first day, i didnt mean the first day after "summer vacation", i meant the first day of the schools opening across Panem after the rebellion. I was going straight into Year 8 which was ideally for 13 and 14 year old. Rye was going into Year 3 for 8 and 9 year olds. Rye pulled his blanket over him.

"Okay, suit yourself," I walked away from his bed and went into the bathroom.

My long dark hair was strewn about my face in an unruly mop and my blue eyes were still squinted from sleep. I splashed some water onto my face and grabbed the wooden brush in hopes to tame my hair.

Today I had to wear my best outfit. I searched through our dresser that I shared with Rye for something to wear. I found a knee length pleated skirt and a fitted white shirt. I decided to pick out an outfit for Rye as well; navy pants and a button up shirt.

I went downstairs to get my breakfast. Mother, named Kat Mellark, was already seated next to Father (Peet Mellark).

I made my way to the kitchen and put together some oatmeal, made of rolled oats, milk, honey, sugar, and cinnamon. I was so excited for school I really wasn't even that hungry. I made a small proportion for myself and some for Rye as well, who had finally come downstairs (yet he wasnt even dressed).

I shoveled bites of oatmeal into my mouth and set my bowl in the sink with some water to rinse. I rushed back upstairs to brush my teeth.

By the time I was back downstairs, Rye wasn't even done with his breakfast.

"Willow, you still have a half hour before you leave to walk to school? What's the rush?" said Mother.

"I'm just excited," I shrugged.

I slipped on my favorite pair of boots which were an ankle high pair of brown lace-ups. My book bag was set against the wall next to the door just staring me in the face. Rye had finally gone upstairs and I might have already left if it weren't for me having to walk Rye to school before I could go to my own classes.

A long 5 minutes later, Rue came down the stairs wearing the outfit I set on his bed. His buttons were in the wrong buttonholes but I couldn't care less.

"Come on Rye!! We are going to be late"

"Fine, fine." He pulled on his shoes and swung his backpack over his shoulder. Saying our goodbye, i grabbed my bag and we headed out the door.

The walk took about 20 minutes and we we had to walk right past the yellow meadow which I practically was raised in.

We walked up to the school, which was a huge brick building with cement steps leading up to the door. This was it. I stepped onto the first stair.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2014 ⏰

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