\\Chapter One//

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You are currently sitting in your 2f/c (second favorite color) couch, looking through the news papers

You see your dog sleeping, p/n (pet name) ,you looked at your wrist watch to see it was 11:05 PM, you rubbed your eyes, it isn't that late you thought,

You sighed and looked through the papers, you yawned, you suddenly remembered something, the cafe was hiring a helper...but I don't think that is the ideal place for me...I am a licensed teacher if I get hired there that would make me an underemployed person

"UGH WHY IS THIS SO HARD?!"you screamed in frustration, P/n jumps at your yelling, you made a peace sign to your dog, p/n just walks to you and leans on your hands, puts their paw on your leg and looks at you with puppy dog eyes, "P/n you prick you can't sit on my lap!" You looked away, P/n jumps on your lap, being the fluffy dog he is you just hug them,

"What did I do to deserve you my walking floofy ball"you mumbled as you nuzzled their doggy snout, they just nuzzle back, they stopped nuzzling and leans on your neck, you lean on them not caring if they have flees or not (it has been a while since you checked), you continue looking to the newspapers, getting very stressed

P/n suddenly licks your neck and then licks your nose, and leans back at your shoulder,

"Do not get stressed master! I am here to help you!" a voice in your head pops up

What was that?! You look frantically where the sound was

"Do not be scared master I will not let anyone hurt you!" The voice again says

"Wh-who's there?And where are you?!"you mumbled

"No one else is here but us master!...and I am currently in your comfortable lap!"the voice says in a cheerful tone

"P-p/n?!"you almost screamed in shock


You look at your dog, they were looking at you then looks at your newspaper

"Master can you roll that? Let's play fetch!!"P/n says in joy

You roll your newspaper and throw it, P/n jumps out of your lap and zooms to the news paper, a page fell out, you stood up and took the paper, you see a picture of a freaky looking person with lipstick, is that lipstick?, does he think it looks manly? haha what the fack?

He was bald...not that bald since he had one long and visible hair, you snorted, which caught P/n's attention

"Master are you ok? what was that sound?" P/n says in your mind, their voice laced with concern, not knowing you just snorted

"Nothing's wrong P/n...just this man is so wrong"you again snorted

P/n looks over to you, you kneel down for p/n to see

"Look at this"you point the not-that-bald man

You swore you heard a snort coming from p/n,

"Master what is wrong with this man, haha he has a shiny head!" P/n exclaims In your head

P/n didn't seem like he saw the literally one strand of hair, which made it even funnier, you laughed very loud earning a laugh from p/n, which made you freeze, did they just...

"Haha Master is happy!!" P/n shouts making you flinch, "P/n not that loud please"

You continued reading the page with the bald-- I mean not-that-bald man

wanted for hire:
science teacher
School Guard

to apply and for more details please call 742 0906

science teacher....PERFECT FOR MY LICENSE You thought to yourself, you wanted to bring P/n with you but how?

"I want go bring you there but howwww?"you whined and hugged P/n

Suddenly you felt p/n shrink or are you getting taller?

You looked down to see a pocket sized p/n,

"Can I come with you now that I am small?"p/n says you could practically hear the smile

"Ok...but explain how you could do that."

"When I was born, my mom put me on a hazard water, y'know the glowing green water?, being the puppy i was I licked the green stuff, I glowed green...my mother left me and humans rescued me!"P/n lied they knew it wasn't time for them to know...not yet....and never will be the time

You trusted P/n you knew they wouldn't lie to you...you were clueless that they lied to you...

"Aww...I am sorry for that P/n" you gently pat their head with your two fingers

"Anyway you should dial the number! we need money! because I want a new toy and new dog house! the yellow sparkling ones!"Small P/n jumping on your lap

"Where did you even get that?"you ask

"From the talking box! Or you call TV? Right?" P/n pleads for the new toy and gold dog house

"Yes the TV."you glared at the TV, for some reason it sweats

"You don't need to buy it if you don't want to" P/n say trying to hide the sadness

"Hhhhhh-- P/n you little goof ball of course I'll buy it!"you smile at them

P/n jumps in joy and howls

"Thank you master!!"

"Please call me Y/n."

"Ok master Y/n!!"

"No just..y/n"

"Ok just Y/n!!"

"hhhhhhh- Y/n."

"Ok! Hhhhhhh y/n!"


"Ok Y/n"

you pat the small puppy

How about we call the school tomorrow morning...I need sleep if I want the job

You carry the small p/n to your bedroom

You put p/n down near the lamp

You sit down the bed

"Good night p/n"

"Good morning y/n"

you closed your eyes...then



Yay I'm done......this book sucks go find a better book

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