My Infinity

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                 My Infinity

Oblivion is what most of us fear

world recognition is what we crave

to leave our mark forever here

On this selfish earth

where people only care about their own

and no one until your funeral comesforth

To visit you when you are gone

they come from everywhere

when your life is no longer on!

All these "friends" you get

then, just when you don't need them anymore

determined to make your funeral perfect

As if our life was a burden on them

and they are relieved you are finally over

and in the end they say "Rest in peace my lil gem"

Makes me feel unattached to this universe

a grenade ready to explode

and disperse

At least that way I will leave a mark

everywhere on this world

even though for me it will all be dark

Thinking of us they climb high steeps

shouting out our name; after a while,

no one cares, no one weeps.

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities" I read

Idk about this but I am sure there is no infinity

enough to remember the dead.

This world has a lot to offer: so much pain & so much grief

changes us in every way possible

but no, it doesn't change us; it reveals us, that's my belief.

While talking about our pains we don't feel coy

rant about every little thing but did we for once think:

"Without pain, we couldn't know joy"

Thinking of that 'infinity' quote my humility,

I think the three of you

have already given me my biggest infinity!

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