mark me.| gray

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you stayed seated on a stool, facing the sweating and dancing bodies out on the floor. seems like every time you took another shot, another pair of bodies tumbled onto you accidentally, stumbling to the private rooms near the back of the club.

with every sip and every breath, thoughts crossed your mind. you asked yourself why the fuck you were spending your friday night at a loud and chaotic club, out of all places.
you drank away while your ex faded into your busy mind.

you didn't miss him, you simply didn't want him to step back in your life. but as you eyed down the grinding and steaming souls on the dance floor, thirsting for each other's touch, you realized what your toxic relationship was missing; action. sex. excitement and spontaneity.

whenever you craved him, he pushed you away. that gave you a lack of thrill. you didn't just care about sex of course, but if you connected your bodies every once in a while and shared your feelings in a more physical manner, maybe, just maybe, you'd still be together.

he ruined that though.

you snapped out of your daze, realizing that someone was trying to grab your attention.

"its odd to see a gorgeous girl like you sitting all by yourself", the man said.
you looked up and felt your breath hitch.

in front of you stood a man around six feet, shadow towering over your slumped body. his muscles were defined and ripped through his black long sleeved shirt that hugged his biceps perfectly. his eyelids drooped slightly as you stared into the beautiful hazel gems that sparkled in the dark club. his facial features acknowledged the rest of his body. his lips were the slightest shade of red, so so plump. his hair hung low.


he interrupted your thoughts by releasing a small, husky giggle.

even his giggle was fucking attractive.

you realized you haven't answered his little comment yet, so you decide to respond.

"maybe i was waiting around for someone as sexy as you to come up to me", you said with your head held high. you lifted your arm and dragged your palm up his stomach, to his chest, dragged it along to his right bicep, and stopped at his neck.

he licked his lips, causing them to sparkle in the light.
he bent down next to your ear, whispering to you even though everyone else was busy doing their own thing;

"let me take you to the back, then you won't be alone anymore sweetheart." his large hands snuck their way to your slim waist, pulling you close to him. your body started to heat up. you started to feel the familiar feeling you got right before your ex turned down the opportunity; when you were horny and needy.

you loved the way he was practically begging you to go with him. you weren't going to make it easy though-you were playing hard to get.

you pushed your index finger in the centre of his chest, backing away.

"i need to catch your name first,
mr. flirty", you said loud in his ear and then bit the soft skin of his ear lobe.

"its grayson."

you moved in closer to him again, keeping your identity secret. you planted a small wet kiss to his perfectly structured jaw before whispering in his ear again.

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