Part 12 Believe Again.

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*After a few minutes*
"I'll take the chocolate"
Anna said
"I'll take the vanilla," I said
"Are you twins?"
The ice cream vendor asked us.
"Um yes but not but yes but not from the same parents but yes"
Nailed it!!!!
"Hey Anna"
"Yes? "
Anna answered
"What happened?"
"What do you mean??"
She asked.
I don't need senses to know that something happened to you, too.
Something bad."
She began to panic.
"umm I thought we were talking about you!!!!
I'm fine really it's nothing...."
"Do you even trust me Anna?!?!?"
"Of course I do Adrien!"
We yelled at each other.
"So please let me help you...."
"OK but I'm OK now actually you've already helped more than anyone ever helped...."
She said.
I ask her.
She began to tell me
"Before four years ago...."
She began to mutter.
"Doctors discovered that my father had a disease.
Hard Disease.
He suffered terribly...
And I just watched him fading away from me....
And I couldn't do anything....
I came to visit him every day until the day I was not allowed in.
The doctors said I should come tomorrow....
And guess what?
She tried to stop the crying.
My father deceased that night....
I didn't even have the time to say goodbye....
It was also the day that my mother hugged me for the first time...
My mom and I...."
I saw a tear running down her cheek.
"My mother has always been hard with me....
She never spoke to me except in case of an emergency....
The last words my father told me is to always be real....
Don't hide the times I need help ....
That I can't anymore....
Never hide ....
But he didn't understand that I had nobody....
I have no one to ask for help ....
I stopped believing in happiness
I swore
That I would never let myself forget....
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never gonna smile
If the smile not exist....
up until now I had sworn to myself that I'm content with loneliness....
But then....
you came and gave me inspiration....
You came and gave me direction....
and I'm on my way to believe again...."
She wiped the tears from her face and smiled at me.
"Thank you Adrien....
Now I have someone to ask for help."
HI it's Diana!
Sad part😔
If you notice, I incorporated a song into this chapter "The only exception"
Hope you like it have a miraculous day.

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