extended summary

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"So we're basically manipulating people?"

"We're not manipulating anyone. We're trying to prove to people that boys don't just like girls and girls don't just like boys; that everyone is equal despite their differences; that humans should never be seen as possessions that can be toyed with for however long we deem fit. We're changing the world, one completely misguided, overly-societal high schooler at a time."

 And so it begins; the inevitable altering of the world, captained by Genevieve and her band of mismatched misfits.

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When Genevieve Lancaster, a senior who takes bullshit and shoves it right back in your face, witnesses a homophobic attack on a freshman, she decides to take serious action. Finally putting her wit, way with words and whatever influence she has among her peers to good use, she forms the Band of Misfits – a group of teenagers from different walks of life, who all share one common goal.

 To change the world.

But they can't do that just yet; to bring change to a world, they must first prepare those who are about to enter it.

 And Abhenry Secondary School is the next best thing.


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i love you.

- jay.

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