The Doll Short

591 13 7

Did you see blossoms face when we showed up yeah that was funny and then buttercup got mad and turned red.grrrr brick were are you going upstairs were do you think I doing!there it is in the closet hi blossom sorry for picking a fight with you the boys were bored and forced me but you still like me right?"THE NEXT DAY" What the heck is that butch,I think it's suppose to be blossom hey guys that mine I mean oh what the heck it's mine give it,hahaha no way so this is your Dollie whatever gimme here no because I'm gonna need proof when I show this to BLOSSOM! Noooooo, boomer you wouldn't dare oh I dare brick no boomer I'm not kidding I'm gonna kill you ha lets see about that and why give the doll to you,you need someone to get you blossom. Brick grabbed the light pole and hits boomer ah my doll, aw that hurt sorry but you don't see me telling bubbles that you have her diary your right brick I'm sorry brother I'm sorry boomer!and so they forgave each other

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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